Chapter 18: Battles Begin 2

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Kold's POV

After the fight I was then asked to go for a check up from Recovery Girl, because I used my quirk I need to ask her for something like a stamina boost pill or something.

"You're doing just fine young man" the old lady said in delight and she seems to be thinking something. "However if you keep up the pace of summoning multiple summons at once then maybe your body will break because of over use, just remember when you can't continue then stop. There is no need for you to harm yourself, you are already popular enough for the pros to notice you" she said giving me a pep talk on how not to over use the power I have.

"By the way... do you have any protein drinks or anything that could maybe boost my stamina to optimal operation?" I asked hoping for something like that to exist right about now.

"Actually there is, but I think a regular protein drink will be enough for you" she answered giving me a stern look not to disobey her.

"I... I should get going, won't wanna miss the good battles" I said laughing forcibly and getting away from the old lady's look.

The 6th match was underway the moment I got to the bleachers and seated beside Oujiro, he is the only person I feel comfortable right about now.

"How do you think this match will go? Any idea?" he asked the green haired boy up front.

"Timing is going to be the key thing here" he replied shortly and that earned a confusion towards Ojirou.

"Think about it, Tokoyami can attack from a far and defend at close range, this means that in order to win Yaoyorozu should find the timing to attack. She should also be clever in making her creations, planning a head and acting on it will be the key for her to win" I said in conclusion and both Ojirou and Midoriya gave me a wide eyed face.

"What's the matter?" I asked in confusion.

"Never heard you talk so much, it's just a first. Sorry" Ojirou apologized making me guilty all of a sudden.

"Yeah me too, but what surprise me the most is that you can really read and understand the situation she is in right now" the green haired boy said in admiration for my quick analysis.

"We most likely have the same kind of weakness, we need to think on how to use our quirks and respond quickly to our plans and the situation at hand. If not, then the most probable result will be losing and dying" I said darkly and that made them both shut up and divert their attention towards the fight.

'If she can pull this off then, I will have a really bad time defeating her' I thought about what the situation would be of we face off against each other. Her creation versus my summons, which one is the strongest between us, is what's running in my mind.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami said summoning the dark bird creature from his stomach.

Yaoyorozu quickly responded by making a shield from her right arm, defending the shadow's attack. In the midst of the battle, she had been compromised of not having to create any weapons to attack with. Tokoyami's attack were strong making her slide back inch by inch towards the line of the ring.

Noticing the attack were stopped she took a step back and created a pole to attack with, "Yaoyorozu is out of bounds! Tokoyami is the winner!" Midnight suddenly announces breaking the yaoyorozu's concentration.

'She got too focused in her plan and forgot about the line of the ring. This will definitely haunt her for the rest of the semester' I thought grimly at her situation right now. She didn't got the chance to attack, only to defend then out of the game just like that.

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