Chapter 16: Get Started for the Finals

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Kold's POV

The time to get lunch came in quickly and my tummy is making a sound indicating that I am hungry and starved. "Kold wait up!" I heard someone calling for me and I looked behind to see that Oujiro is speed walking to catch up.

"Yeah, what's up?" I replied when he arrived at my side.

"Nothing much, just here to ask if I should continue in this tournament?" he asked and I looked at him confusedly not really getting what he said.

"Well during the cavalry battle I seem to blank out most of it and my consciousness is telling me 'this is not right'" he alleged to me and he appear to be really down about it.

"Well if you ask me, then I would say that you should follow what you think is right. I mean if it were me, I would join the fight no problem, but if you're in doubt throw it out is what my mother said to me" I said to him and he seems to understand what I was saying and he looked relieved.

"Thanks Kold! I know I can count on you" he responded and praising me at the same time.

"No, don't go too far. I only said the conventional thing to say when people are in doubt" I countered, flustered by what he is saying to me.

"Huh... I didn't got you to be someone who can't take in a compliment" he said and that made me feel embarrassed to be near him this time.

I quite myself to not let anymore mishaps happen, this is what I am afraid of... making a fool of myself in front of everyone.

We arrived in the cafeteria and ordered, well for me I a bunch of food, beef steak, fried fish and calamari, and a two bowls of rice. "Wow... you think you can eat all that?" Oujiro mumbled out looking astounded by how much food I ordered for myself.

"I need to replenish my energy somehow, and eating more food could equate to that as well as resting" I replied with a pout in my face.

"Hahahaha... didn't mean to be rude but you always struck to be the type who eats less, judging by how skinny you are" he laughed and seated at an empty table with four chairs available.

I seated beside him and started to devour my food, not quickly but slowly and steady I have one hour before the event starts no need to rush, especially with food this yummy. Other seats were then occupied by some of our classmates, mainly Tsu, Mina, and Tokoyami.

"That's a lot of food Kold" Mina said in shock on how much food I can eat.

"I need to eat because I'm hungry and my units also need the energy" I explained and that looks like they got what I mean.

"I really think you have a powerful quirk Kold, sometimes I get jealous..." Mina said in shame and I kinda understand her.


When I was a kid I always thought to have a powerful quirk like my parents, and I think I got what I wish for because it exceeded my parents' quirk. However, everything has a price and mine was being excluded from everything my classmates were doing, during the kindergarten times.

They always judge me because of my parents and it made the scared to approach me, so I settled to be alone during that time. My parents are not aware of it cause they are busy dealing with villains, this does not mean I hate them, I love them with all my heart. It was not their fault that I am like this, it is mine I was afraid of breaking the barrier that be folded within my classmates and I.

After the years it kept on happening until my father bought me cards and I discovered my quirk, a powerful one at that. Discovering this I showed it to my friends during middle school and I hoped it will help me gain some friends, but it did the exact opposite. Why? You ask.

Cardfight Hero: VanguardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang