Chapter 20

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"Hurry up, Michael!"
Y/n yelled through the whole house as he sprinted down the stairs, to get the, now annoyed, older man to get dressed faster; today they wanted to visit the town near by and spent the day together without having to worry about anything that was going on at the time. The boy still had a bad feeling about this but he didn't want to stay inside the house the whole time just because he was scared.

Y/n jumped through the hallway towards the door and ran outside, not even thinking about waiting any longer.

It was a beautiful day.
The sun got blocked off by some huge clouds that covered nearly the whole sky. The wind wasn't strong but he could feel a slight breeze brushing against his body once in a while; it felt like nothing compared to the cold that came from the icy weather before.
It was warm enough for the winter to finally piss off and take the snow with him, though it wasn't warm enough to walk around without a jacket.

The boy's eyes observed the dark grey sky and clouds above him as a huge grin formed on his face; it could start to rain any second and he didn't have a single thing against that fact.

He loved the rain.
He loved how it sounded when it rushed over the top of the roofs, he loved how it felt when it hit his skin. Listening to it was calming and reminded him of the times when he and his brother played in the rain.

Their mother was obsessed with cleaning and personal hygiene.
She'd always freak out when her sons came home dirty, even if it was nothing but a tiny stain on their clothes. She didn't allow anything that could lead to anyone getting dirty but though their mother was strictly against it, y/n and his brother always loved to play in puddles and mud.
They used to sneak out when they knew that their parents wouldn't notice their absence, just to come home with dirt covering both of their bodies.

Y/n smiled softly at his thoughts as he pulled the car keys, he took from Michael earlier that day, out of his pocket and opened the vehicle, only to sit down on the driver's seat.
He felt small in the front seat; his feet couldn't reach the gas and his hands barely fit around the steering wheel.
His eyes wandered to the horn as a huge grin slowly appeared on his face.
Without hesitation, the boy slammed his fist on the button, producing a loud sound.

Not long after that, the older man stepped out of the house and walked towards the car; he raised a brow when he looked at the boy on his seat.
"Stop that and scoot over."

Y/n pressed the horn a few more times before he looked at the older man, with his grin still on his face.

"What if I want to drive?" The boy asked with a pout slowly forming on his lips. He couldn't drive at all, he didn't even think about getting a driver's license before he graduated from highschool.

"I'll teach you how to drive, but not today." Michael said before he grabbed the boy's arms and carefully pulled him out of the car.
"Passenger's seat. Now." The older man sat down on his side and closed the door before he started the vehicle so the boy didn't hesitate long and quickly got in as well.

Michael then drove off.
His dark eyes were focused on the street in front of them while y/n stared out of the window.
As they passed the fields the boy heard quiet knocks against the thin glass; he noticed small waterdrops hitting against it, starting a race from one end of the window to the other. Not even a second later, rain poured down on earth; a grey curtain of water surrounded the car and a strong breeze pressed against it as if it tried to push it off the street; the smell of wet grass creeped through every small gap there was.

Michael sighed, stopping y/n from gazing around and pulling the boys attention to him. He liked the rain as well but it was a pain in the ass to do anything outside with weather like that. He'd planned to take the boy to the park in the town, but he could cancel that idea now.

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