Chapter 25

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As soon as Michael swung the door open he heard someone running down the stairs; he grinned slightly as the boy, who was storming towards him, came into his sight.

"Where the fuck where you?? You can't just leave me alone, man."
Y/n stopped right in front of the older man. He looked up into his eyes as he crossed his arms and waited for an answer, though Michael didn't intend to tell the boy where he was. Instead, he put his arms around his small lover and placed a kiss on top of his head, making the boy blush slightly.

He could hear y/n mumble a quiet "Idiot" before the boy carefully pulled him down by his collar to seal their lips into a loving kiss. Michael didn't hesitate and kissed back, closing his dark eyes as he pulled the boy closer, if that was even possible.

Y/n stroke through his lover's hair and smiled softly as the kiss ended; his cheeks were still slightly red and his eyes were glued to Michael's lips. For a second he was dozing off into another world, daydreaming about a life, where they had no worries. A life, where both of them could life without fearing of getting parted.

Michael brushed a strain of hair behind the boy's ear and placed another kiss on his forehead before he let him go and walked towards the living room. Y/n didn't really notice at first since he was still in his own world but as soon as he felt the loss of his lover's arms he snapped his head towards Michael; without hesitating he followed the man into the room where he through himself on the couch.

"Are you going to tell me where you were or are you still going to leave me hanging?" he asked with big eyes, hoping that Michael would answer.
That never happened though; Michael just walked by, towards the window, and looked outside. His thoughts were now somewhere else and they brought him to think about what to do next.

He nearly got seen earlier that day.
If Loomis really gets them he could do god knows what to both of them.
Thinking about that made Michael feel insane; he himself was a murderer, someone who does terrible things to people and their families.
But all of that had stopped a while ago; he actually started feeling again and he finally had something that made him feel alive.
Without y/n he'd probably still be out there, murdering people without thinking about it twice.

Though he'd still be doing all of that if y/n wouldn't be there. He didn't want to lose the boy's trust, not again.
Michael sighed quietly as he brushed with his hand through his dark hair; his eyes followed every movement outside. That's when he noticed something odd, something, or more like someone, that wasn't supposed to be there.

In the bushes not far away from the lake where small movements that caught Michael's attention and when he took a closer look his eyes widened; he couldn't exactly see who it was, but what he could see was the silhouette of a man with little hair and something in his face that reflected the sunlight.

"They found us.." Michael whispered these words more to himself than to anyone else but y/n could clearly hear what the other said. He sat up abruptly, staring at the older man with shock written all over his face.
"What? How?!" His voice broke at the end because yelled these words so suddenly.

Michael slowly moved away from the window before he picked the boy up and quickly carried him out of the room. He definitely didn't expect that Loomis would show up here. At least not that soon. They needed to get out of the house before Loomis could get in. If they'd make it to the car in time they could probably escape without any other incidents.

He walked to the door as fast as he could, hoping that they could still make it. But as soon as his hand touched the doorknob something inside him made him freeze completely, stopping him from opening the door.

When he saw the doctor in the town earlier he was with the sheriff. Loomis was alone at the back of the house and the sheriff was nowhere to be seen; what if they surrounded them and the other man was just waiting for him and the boy to come out? He could shoot at them and y/n could get hurt in the progress. Even though they had a small chance to escape he definitely didn't want to risk the boy's life because of him being too careless.

Michael Myers x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now