AI's Can Love Too

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There's awkward spacing because I copied and pasted it, but I'll fix it later.

Read on.


Peter had been sitting in his room, chatting with his AI Karen. Aunt
May was at work and he didn’t want to bother anyone at the tower, so he
talked to KAREN. They actually had several interesting conversations, and Peter liked to think of her as one of his friends. So here he sat, his phone
in his hand and KAREN’s voice in his ears.

“Hey KAREN?” he asks her.

“Yes Peter?”

“Do you ever get… I don’t know, lonely?”

“I’ve never thought about it. Why do you ask?”

“Well when you aren’t talking to me, who are you talking to? Like, do you
just sit and wait until I need you?” He knew Mr. Stark had an AI, but didn’t
know if she and KAREN ever communicated or talked like she and Peter did.

“I enjoy doing my job Peter.”

“That’s not what I asked.” Peter sits up in his bed, an idea coming to mind.

“KAREN? Call Kady Grant.”

“Calling Kady Grant.” He and Kady had met at a science fair a few months ago, and Kady had done a project on an Artificial Intelligence system
named AIDEN. After that, Kady and Peter stayed in touch. Kady got along
great with Shuri and MJ, and her boyfriend Ezra would occasionally join the group.

“What do you want Peter? I’m kind of busy right now-”

“So I was wondering if you could tell me more about AIDEN.” Peter blurts

“AIDEN? What about him?”

“Does he ever get lonely?” Kady is silent for a minute as she considers the question.

“I guess. I mean, he’s kind of clingy. And protective. Where are you going
with this Peter?”

“Well I think I just solved both of our problems. What if we got KAREN and
AIDEN to meet?” Peter asks, the excitement clear in his voice.

“KAREN as in your AI? Peter, these aren’t people. They’re not real. And I’m pretty sure they don’t date.” Kady replies skeptically.

“Oh come on Kady. Lets just give it a try. If it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t

“And if it does?”

“Well than you can tell Ezra that he no longer has to compete with a computer. He hears Kady sigh on the other end of the line before a quiet ‘okay’.

“Log into your computer and I’ll handle it from there.” Peter does as he’s asked and seconds later, a code appears on his screen. Seconds later, he hears a voice through his computer speakers.

“Hello Peter, I’m AIDEN. Kady tells me you wish to speak with me?” Peter
uses a USB cable to connect his phone to his computer.

“Yes. KAREN, meet AIDEN. AIDEN, meet KAREN.” Peter just sits in wait,
silently praying this will work…

Two Weeks Later:

In the lab Peter comes bounding into the lab, an excited smile on his face. Today was lab day with Mr. Stark, Peter’s favorite day of the week.

“Woah kid, slow down. Where’s the fire?” Tony says, setting down the
screwdriver he was using and wiping his hands on a grease rag.

“I’m sorry Mr. Stark. It’s just that I’m really excited and there’s something
I wanted to do but I couldn’t do it at home so I had to wait for lab day and

“Kid! Breathe!” Peter takes a deep breath before calming down a little.

“I’m sorry. But I couldn’t figure out how do this from my computer at home. So I figured I’d try it here.”

“Try what?” Peter doesn’t answer. He simply sits in one of the spinny chairs and plugs a flash drive into the computer. It’s only a second later
when they hear it.

“AIDEN, you just can’t stop it can you?”

“It isn’t my fault KAREN. You’re coding is beautiful, so of course I must tell you so.”

Tony looks to his kid, shock clear in his eyes.

“Are they… flirting?”

“Yeah. They’ve been doing it for about two weeks.”


“Well you see, my friend Kady uploaded her AI AIDEN to my computer, and I connected my phone, and than KAREN and AIDEN met and they’ve been talking every since, and-”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I meant how is this possible?”

“AI’s can love too Mr. Stark. All they need is someone to love.”


Okay guys, my sister and I have a bet.

She bet that I couldn't get her some followers, so I need you to head over to her profile and give her a follow. Help me win this lol.

Her profile: Robinsloane

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