The Big Picture or...

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"Look at those poor people. Mind-controlled by a half-zombie sociopath. No better than zombies themselves." I heard warren say as I looked over at the company. "Being safe or being afraid is an easy choice for most." Sun told Warren. "A person without fear ceases to be a human being. Fight or flight, man, it's what propelled us out of the primordial ooze." this red hand sleaze said. "Murphy. Extracting his blue ass isn't gonna be easy. Guard tower. Zombie moat. Electric fencing. And security at the corners. They've got the numbers." Warren said. "You could alway knock nicely? I'm sure he'd love to see again. He wouldn't shut up about you." I said and everyone looked at me. "What about the blends? How do you plan to limit collateral damage?" Sun asked. "It's the Apocalypse, honey. Whole world is collateral damage." Sleaze ball said. "We can't just kill them." Sun said and I frowned. "They made their choice, who the hell cares? The ones inside, not all of had a choice." I said and they all looked at me.

"Did you make that choice?" Sun asked me and I shook my head at them. "Who do you think is still in there?" Sleaze asked. "Th-10k and Jean...oh and that little girl in the building." I said to them. They all looked at me and I rolled my eyes. "They ran off, Who know where they when." Sun said. "Oh, they're in there." Warren said. "Are you saying we kill them all?" I asked. "Air head got it." Sleaze said. "Well, no one was asking you sleaze ball." I said to him. "Warren you can't really think about killing all of them." Sun said. "Those blends, they made their choice. They chose safety over freedom. But their safety can cost the rest of humanity its one chance to survive. I can't let that happen. I've come too far. And I've killed too many zombies and humans to give up now." Warren said and I shook my head. "Heathers and Marthas." I said walking away. "Where are you going?" Sun asked me. "That stupid map I drew up. You three wanted the plans to the building right? You still want to do this or what?" I asked them.


"Jeanie, who's 10k? Are they real? Why is their name a number?" Lucy asked me. "He's real sweetie." I said to her. "Who is he? Where is he? Is he still around?" she asked me. "He's with you dad." I said to her. "So it 10k his real name? Do you even know his real name?" She asked me. "It's Tommy, but you can't tell anyone. It's our little secret." I whispered to her. I looked up at the sky for a moment, watching the clouds got by. "Look, it's a boat." I looked to where she was pointing and I saw the cloud boat. "It's going to be a good day Lucy." I said to her and she looked at me, giving me a confused look. "A cloud boat is a good sign in the apocalypse." I said to her. "How?" She asked. "It's always brought me good luck, so that has to go for you too." I said to her. "You think so?" she asked me and I nodded at her.

"Do you think we're close?" She asked. I pulled out my map and looks down at it. "What does sign say?" I asked her. "I donno, I can't read it." she said to me. "Spell it out." I said to her. I kept my eyes on the map as she stood next to me. "S." she said. I looked at all the places that had the letter S. "P" she said and I folding up the map, looking at the sign. "Spokane." I said to her. "Is that good?" She asked me and I smiled at her. "It's great." I told her and she nodded. "We're close." I added and she smiled. "Wait, how close? You told me that at every sign. We don't have to sleep outside again and hid in the woods do we?" she asked me and I shook my head. "You're Daddy is just down this road." I said to her. She grabbed my hand before I started to walk, but she stood her ground.

I turned to face her and I got down to her level. "Are you scared Lucy?" I asked her. "You won't leave me, will you?" she asked me. I grabbed both her hands and she looked at me. "I won't, until you tell me to." I said her. She nodded, but there was still a frown on her face. "Lucy, what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked ahead and stared at the road. "I'm older than he thinks I am, what if he doesn't like me? What if I grow up again? He might-" "You're his kid Lucy. He's going to love you no matter what." I said to her. She stared in my eyes and I kept a smile at my face. "Lucy, I know your daddy, and he'll love you, no matter what. I know you might not think that, but you trust me, right?" I asked her and she nodded. "I would never lie to you Lucy. I don't think I physically can." I said to her and she smiled at me. "Come on, we'll find Murphy and I know he'll be so happy to see you." I said before I stood and she held my hand.

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