6. Hate that I Love him

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For everyone waiting desperately on a PickxRome chapter

"Miss me now?"

Pick didn't miss a second and took the call to snap at Rome.

"Hi to you too, P'Pick!"

He just scoffed.
"You got back home or died in the way?"

"That time of the month huh? Or were you just worried about me?"

"Like I don't have anything better to do. I have a life!"

"Yes, yes, you have a life, you even have friends other than P'Porsche, you are fun to hang around with, you have a kind soul and you definitely have no feelings for me"

Rome rolled his eyes. He was in a great mood and somehow Pick managed to ruin it. It's nothing new, Rome is used to Pick and his grumpy nature but he's not in the mood to deal with it today.

"Fuck off!"

"Fine. Just so you don't chew my head off later, I got back safe and we had breakfast at a friend's house and now we're going for a shoot"

He knew Pick didn't ask but he'd be grumpier if he didn't get all the details. It's quite unreasonable as he claims no affection towards Rome but still acts like he owns the boy.

"A HIM?"

Oh God!!

"Rome!" Pick roared in the phone. "Are you with that Din right now?"

"P'Pick, why would Emma and I have breakfast with P'Din? At his house!! Use your brain sometimes"

That shut Pick up.

"I'm with Emma and we're at a family friend's house"

He doesn't understand this side of P'Pick but normally he enjoys it. Not today though. Today he's irritated. Maybe its because he feels he helped those stupid vets hurt his best friend even more. He sighed to hold in his anger.

"We grew up together. He's our junior at school. His mom invited us for breakfast but we decided to spend the day together and we just had our lunch. Anything else you might wanna know P'Pick?"

"Fine, you had your fun day now come with me, I need company for dinner"

"It's not even dinner time and did you not hear me? I'm spending the day--"

"And you did. Now have dinner with me, at night"

Just then Emma and Kao squealed together, excitedly. Rome looked at them; being kids; with a smile and answered firmly.



"You heard me" he said very quietly so Emma and Kao won't hear. "I've to go, we're late for the shoot"

"The shoot"

Rome had a bad feeling about it.

"Some newly renovated cafe. I don't know the name"

"Fine, tell me"

"Are you my wife P'Pick?"

"Wi-- e-- you.... my ass!!"

"Yeah! Cause then you don't get to interrogate me like one. Goodbye"


(Rome's POV)

(Argh!! I hate you P'Pick!!)

Well who am I kidding. I can't hate him. It's like I'm a robot programmed only to love him. That's why I didn't hate him when he rejected my feelings for the first time or when he almost beat me up after I met his dad or the countless times he insulted me or all the times he lead me on and break my heart. I still love him. But he says he doesn't. Yet he sticks with me like glue.

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