Chapter Two

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(*^Nate Summers)

JJ leads me inside and down an unfamiliar hallway, before stopping to enter a large room. It looks like a regular school cafeteria but smaller. She pulls me into line, the smell of the pasta making my stomach churn.

"Um, actually, I think I'm gonna pass on lunch today." I say quietly, turning away from the food in front of me.

I begin to walk away, but she grabs my hand to keep me in place.
"They don't let you do that here. You have to eat something."

I frown and shake my head, feeling more and more nauseous by the second.
"I don't want it."

My voice cracks and she squeezes my hand, giving me a reassuring smile.
"I don't really want it either, but we have to. Come on, I'll stay with you. Just a little bit."

I want to refuse again and run away, but she's pleading with me, and I know if I don't eat now, they'll probably track me down later.

I try to hold my breath as I scoop two small spoonfuls onto my plate and follow JJ to an empty table.
I sit down beside her and stare down at the food wishing it would vanish into thin air.

I feel JJ's eyes on me and she places her hand on my shoulder, leaning into my ear.
"Come on, just a little bite. I'll do it with you." She whispers.

I watch carefully as she spins the noodles onto her fork and turns to wait for me to do the same. I feel like a child, having to get someone to coach me into eating.
I grab my fork and copy her movements, carefully gathering a few noodles onto the fork and holding it, looking back at her for confirmation.

She's gives me a smile and a small nod before placing the food into her mouth, chewing slowly. Before I have time to back out, I do the same, and drop my fork back onto my plate.

It pains me to chew it. It tastes so good, but the more I chew it, the more I want it out of my mouth. My nauseous feeling returns but I try to push it aside and swallow it anyway. As soon as I feel it go down and hit my stomach, my mind is already trying to find the nearest bathroom so I can bring it back up and get It out of my body.

JJ squeezes my hand again and gives me a small smile.
"I know what you're thinking. They won't let you get away with that either. They keep watches on the bathrooms."

I sigh and give her a nod.

She suddenly jumps out of her seat, squealing, and runs into the arms of a boy. I haven't seen him around here, so it must be her brother. They look a lot alike. Both of them have jet black hair and pretty brown eyes.
I watch as he hugs her tight and gives her a big smile. I can't help but feel the need to look away from their intimate gesture.

A few moments pass before I hear Jamie's voice approaching again.
Instinctively, I look up as she sits back down next to me and her brother sits at the other side of the table. He's looking at me, smiling, and I feel insecure under his stare.

Jamie finally speaks up, saving me from being embarrassed.
"This is Matt, he's new. Matt, this is my brother Nate."

I look back up and give him a small smile.

He grins and nods his head at me.
"Nice to meet you."

I can't help but to keep my head down under his stare. I'll go ahead and admit that he's handsome and he seems nice, but I can't bring myself to speak anymore, so I allow JJ to take over.

"I've missed you around here."

I hear him sigh and I peek my head up slightly.
"I know. I haven't had the chance to get over here lately, but I'm hoping I'll have some more free time now."

I see her smile from the corner of my eye.
"Me too. Oh, how's Peter?"

Lifting my head a little more, I see his smile falters and he slouches in his seat.
"We broke up a few weeks ago."

I freeze. Peter? Breakup? Well I didn't see that one coming.

"Oh. I'm sorry Nate."

He laughs lightly.
"Oh shut up JJ. I know you never liked him anyway."

She laughs loudly and her hand goes to cover her mouth in embarrassment.
"Yeah well he was an ass. But at least I tried to be nice about it."

I don't even realize that I'm laughing too until Jamie nudges my shoulder.
"What about you?"

I furrow my eyebrows.
"What about me?"

"Do you have a girlfriend? Or boyfriend, I don't know."

I cough and shift in my seat, shaking my head.
"No, I don't really date." I say softly.

"What do you mean?"
It surprises me when it's Nate that's speaking and not his sister.

I clear my throat again and try to look him in the eye like a normal human being, but I fail miserably.

"I've just never been in a relationship."
"With anyone." I clarify.

His eyes widen.

I laugh a little and shake my head.
"Well I have to say I'm a bit surprised."

I tilt my head.
"How come?"

"I assumed someone like you would have people falling at your feet." He winks.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I lower my head again to hide my smile.
Jamie laughs from beside me.
"Don't embarrass him Nate."

I hear him laugh again.
"Just an observation, that's all."

I look up at him again and he catches my eye, sending me a cheeky grin.
I'm saved from embarrassment when the screeching intercom comes on.

"Lunch hour has now ended. All patients to the gym for meditation."

Nate sighs again and places both hands on the table, pushing himself up.
"Well that's my cue. Bye Jamie."

He leans across the table to hug her before pushing his chair back under the table and looking back at me.
"Bye Matt."

I give him a nervous smile and wave at him as he turns and walks out the door. And if my eyes lingered a little too long, then no one had to know about it.

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