Chapter Ten

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(*^Spencer O'Connell)



My head jerks up from my book at the sound of Dr. Olsen's voice in the quiet library.


"You have a phone call."

My face twists in confusion. Who the hell would call me here?
I give Jamie a look and follow him up to the front lobby.

The same woman that checked me in on my first day sits behind the desk. She gives me a smile and hands the phone to me, excusing herself to give me some privacy.


"Hello Matthew."

"Mom?" I ask softly.

"Well who else would it be?" She laughs dryly.

"Yeah. What's up?"

She sighs.
"I wanted to apologize for not bringing you home for the weekend these last few weeks. I needed some time."

My jaw clenches.
"Time?" I ask, my voice sharp.

"Yes. It's not exactly fun checking your son into an....institution."
She whispers the last part as if it's a curse word.

I roll my eyes.
"Yeah well it's not fun being left here without hearing from your mother for weeks either." I retort.

I hear her sigh and I can picture her rubbing her temple at the other end of the phone.
"Matthew please don't start with the attitude. Now is not the time."


"I'd like to bring you home this weekend."

Her statement makes me feel like a pet that she's wanting to bring home from the shelter for a while just to take it back when something doesn't go her way. Which, now that I think about it, sounds a lot like my actual situation.

My mind screams at me to tell her to fuck off, but I don't. I never do.

It might be good for me to go home for a little while. As comfortable as I've grown here, I can't help but miss my real home.

"Great. I need to get back to work. I'll see you on Friday."

"Okay." I repeat.

"Goodbye Matthew."

I cringe at the name. I've begged her to call me 'Matt' for years just like everyone else but she always refuses.
'Matthew' makes me sound like a pretentious, snobby brat.

"Bye mom."

I lean my body over the white desk, placing the phone back down onto the receiver.
I quickly head back to the library to find Jamie. I need to talk to someone, and I know she'll never turn down a chance to give advice.

Jamie is by my side before I've even completely reentered the library, just like I figured she would be.

"Who was it?"

I sigh and sit down on the floor, resting my back on the wooden bookshelf.
"My mom."

She gives me a surprised expression.
"Really? What'd she say?"

"She apologized for leaving me here. And she said she wanted me to come home this Friday."

"Well that's good isn't it?" She asks, eyeing me carefully to judge my reaction.

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