Chapter Twenty Nine

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I feel something smack me in the face and I jolt awake to see Nate standing over me with a pillow in his hand, smirking. 

"Have I ever expressed how annoying you are in the morning?" I grumble.

"Yes as a matter of fact, you have. Now wake up sunshine." He laughs. 

"No." I mumble as I roll back over and bury my face into the soft couch cushion. 

I hear him sigh and the soft thump from the pillow that he must have dropped onto the floor. I feel his warm breath on my neck and I my body shivers. I can feel his smirk when his lips press themselves to the base of my neck, trailing upwards toward my jaw. 
I try to last as long as I can but I give in and lift my head from the cushion, capturing his lips to mold them to my own. 

"You happy now?" I ask, lips still pressed to his. 

He backs away, grinning. 
"Yes, very much so." He tells me, kissing my forehead and joining me on the couch as I sit up to make room for him. 

"What time is it?"

He stretches to look at the time on the oven clock in the kitchen.
"Almost noon." 

"Is Jamie up yet?" I ask, yawning. 

He laughs.
"You'll be lucky to get her out of bed before two on the weekends." 

"What about your mom?"

"She's getting ready for work. She'll be gone until later on tonight."

I nod. 
"So, where are we going on this date?" 

He grins and pats my cheek softly. 
"You'll see."

I roll my eyes.

I hear the sound of feet making their way toward us from the hallway and look up to greet Ana. 

"Morning boys!" She greets cheerily. 

"Good morning." We both reply. 

"Mama, I wanted to take Matt out somewhere later on, is Jamie gonna be okay here by herself?" 

A worried look crosses her features but she nods.
"Yeah, I'll get Robert to check in on her until one of us get back."

"Robert's the neighbor. Kind of a weirdo but he's not all bad." Nate whispers over to me. 

"I need to get going. Wake up your sister and let her know the deal before you leave." She tells Nate as she rushes out the door. 

Once the door shuts, the quiet comes back and I lean back onto the arm of the couch lazily, placing my legs in Nate's lap. 

"You're mom is really great." I tell him as his hand rests on top of my calf. 

"Yeah she is." He grins. 

"Oh shit!" I jump up. 

"What? What's wrong?" Nate asks, worriedly. 

"I don't have any clothes to wear!" 

Nate smacks my shoulder gently, gripping his chest dramatically. 
"You scared me half to death." 

I giggle.

"You can just wear something of mine. Come on." 

He stands up, stretching his arms over his head. I stand on the couch and launch myself at his back.

"What the hell?" He laughs, as I wrap my self around his body. 

"You woke me up, the least you can do is carry me." 

I see him roll his eyes but I don't miss the adorable grin that passes over his lips as he walks down the short hallway and into his bedroom. I'm so distracted with looking at the posters on his walls that I don't realize he's dropping me down onto his bed, making me shriek. 

"You're not gonna put me in a suit right?" I ask, cringing at the idea of me wearing a tux. 

He arches his eyebrow at me and motions to himself.
"Do you honestly think that I would own a suit?" 

I giggle.
"Fair enough." 

My eyes wander around to look at the many band posters that cover his walls, most of which I don't know, and the few framed pictures of him and Jamie or his mother. There aren't any pictures of his father, just like I figured there wouldn't be. 

"My jeans aren't gonna fit you because you're too tiny. But here," he tosses a t shirt at me.
"Try this."

I roll my eyes.
"I'm not that tiny." I mumble. 

He laughs and walks back over to where I'm sitting on the bed, leaning down to me so our noses are now touching. 
"It's cute." He grins, kissing the tip of my nose and going back over to his dresser drawers. 

"You can go change in the bathroom if you're more comfortable." 

My mind takes me back to when he saw my scars for the first time. I remember how horrified I was and how shocked he was at the amount of cuts there were on my stomach. They've healed a lot more now.

I bite my lip.
"Don't judge me okay?"

He gives me a comforting smile. 
"I wouldn't." 

I nod and pull my shirt up, and off of my body as I see him walk back over to me. I am now bare chested in front of him, my scars on full display. I can't help the amount of shame I feel as my eyes take in what I had done to myself all of those times. 
Nate is standing right in front of me now but I can't bring myself to look up at him. 

I watch as he drops to his knees in front of me. 
"What are you doing?" I ask, lowly. 

He doesn't answer but I feel his warm lips touch my stomach over and over again. I feel tears brim at my eyes as he continues to kiss over the many scars that litter my skin. He doesn't leave one untouched. His eyes finally look up and meet mine. 

"You don't ever have to be embarrassed in front of me. Ever."  His voice is low and hoarse. 

My fingers grip his hands, pulling him to his feet. I pull his lips down to meet mine in hurried movement. It would sound cliche to say that sparks were flying, so I won't, but this kiss was different from the ones we had shared previously. It was filled with passion, tenderness, love? 

His teeth nip at my bottom lip and my mouth opens, allowing him to slip his tongue past my lips. He is even more gentle, swiping his warm tongue across my teeth and then caressing mine with his. I pull my mouth from his, resting my forehead on his chest, breathing harshly. 

"Get dressed, baby." He mumbles, planting a kiss into my hair. 

I nod and he backs up from me, giving me a dimpled grin as I slide his black t shirt over my head. He may have been right about me being tiny, but I'll never tell him that. His shirt nearly swallows me whole, the ends of it resting nearly halfway down my thigh. 

"You look better in it than I do." 

I laugh and shake my head.

"I'm gonna go let Jamie know we're leaving." He tells me, sliding a clean t shirt over his perfect torso. 

I bite my lip, grinning, my fingers coming up to touch my mouth where he kissed me. 

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