Chapter Twenty One

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"This is so fun!" Jamie squeals as we exit the fourth store she's dragged Nate and I into.

Nate rolls his eyes.
"Yeah shopping for crop tops, makeup, and bras with your sister is super fun."

I snicker and Jamie shoves him.
"I don't hear Matty complaining."

I raise my hands in mock defense.
"I'm just tagging along to get out of the house. Although I can't say I completely enjoy shopping for bras with my best friend and her brother."

Nate gives Jamie an 'I told you so' look and she rolls her eyes.
"Well fine then. I'm going to go look for some new perfumes. You two can find something to occupy yourselves while I'm gone."

I wait until she's out of hearing distance before cracking up.
"She's a feisty one."

"You have no idea."

"Well what do you wanna do now?"

He looks around at the hundreds of shops surrounding us.
"We could get something to eat. They've got good pizza here."
"Only if you want to though." He adds quickly.

I smile.
"Sure. I should probably eat something."

"Come on."

He grabs my hand and drags me down to the noisy food court. My body warms at the feeling of his hand holding mine and I find myself quite enjoying it.
I'm slightly disappointed when he lets my hand go when we reach the counter. 

"Hi can I get two pieces of the meat lovers pizza and ...." he turns, waiting for me to order.

"Just one small piece of pepperoni please."

I reach in my pocket to pull out my wallet but Nate stops me, smiling.
"I got it."

"I can't let you do that." I argue.

He gives me a cheeky grin as he hands the man behind the counter a 20 dollar bill in exchange for our plates.
"Come on pretty boy."

I blush and follow him to a small table at the corner of the cafe. He sits both our plates down and pulls my chair out for me to sit first.
"Thanks." I grin.

"I'll pay you back for the pizza." I mumble when he sits down across from me.

"No you won't. It's my treat."

I sigh.
"You've already agreed to drive me home after this and now you're paying for my meal. I need to repay you."

"I do it because I want to. Now stop arguing and eat."

I sigh but relent and nod my head. Not because I agree, but because he's stubborn and I don't feel like arguing with him right now.

He's already done with his first slice of pizza before I'm even taking my first bite.

His eyes suddenly widen and he stares overly shoulder. I follow his share and it leads to a blonde haired guy sitting behind us. He must feel Nate staring at him because he finally looks up and smiles brightly, standing up from his table and heading over to us.

"Nate! Hey! It's great to see you again!" The boy exclaims.

Nate stands to greet him and they hug. He's much smaller than Nate so his whole body is engulfed into his arms. I can't help but to wish that it was me he was hugging instead.

They release each other but the boy keeps a hold on Nate's hand.
"How have you been?" He asks.

His voice is high and squeaky and it annoys me greatly. Though he is definitely attractive, I already don't like him in the least.

Nate grins and shrugs shyly. When did Nate get shy?

"Pretty good, thanks. What about you?"

"Same old shit but a different day."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes at the overused and cliche statement.

"How's Jamie doing?" He asks quietly.

"She's good. She's off shopping somewhere around here."

Nate finally looks down at me.
"Oh! Sorry, this is Matt. Matt this is Peter."

Peter? The Peter? As in ex boyfriend Peter?
Looking at the boy, I could never picture these two as a couple. Nate is caring, loving, and laid back. Peter just seems like a complete snob, not to mention annoying as hell. Granted, I've only know him for two minutes, but it doesn't change my opinion in the slightest.

I'm brought back to reality when Peter extends his hand out to me.
I shake it and give him a tight smile.
"Nice to meet you."

He must not catch onto my apparent dislike of him. Or if he does, he ignores it and smiles.
"You too."

He lets go of my hand and turns back to Nate, pulling him in for another excessively long hug.
"I need to get going. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

Please say no. Tell him to fuck off.
My subconscious screams.

But he doesn't. Nate's too polite for that.

"Yeah of course."

They share a smile and Nate sits back down in his seat, watching Peter walk away.

Suddenly I'm not so hungry anymore.

"So...that's Peter?"
I can't help it. I have to know for sure.

Nate laughs.
"Yeah that's Peter." He confirms.

I nod.
"I'll be back in a minute."

I stand from my chair and he grabs at my wrist.
"Where are you going?" He asks, eyebrows drawing together in confusion.

"Bathroom." I answer shortly, pulling my arm from his grasp and heading toward the restrooms.

I pull my phone from my pocket as I enter the bathroom and text Jamie.
'I met peter.'

I bite at my fingernails as I wait for her to respond.
I'm so focused on waiting for her to reply that I barely notice the bathroom door open again.

"Hey you okay?"

Nate. Of course it is.

I nod, keeping my eyes on my phone.
"Yeah why?"

"You're acting weird."

I shrug.
I hear him huff and he snatches my phone out of my hands, sticking it into his back pocket.

"What the hell?"

"Talk to me."

I roll my eyes.
"Nothings wrong. There's nothing to talk about. Now give me my phone back and then you can get back to Peter."

His worried expression fades and turns smug. He crosses his arms over his chest, smirking, and leans back against the wall.
"Oh I see."


"You're jealous...." he sings, smirking.

I frown and cross my arms over my chest.
"I am not."

"Are too."

"Are not."

He pushes himself off the wall and is standing over me within seconds.

"Oh really?"

I nod, defiantly.

Before I know what's happening, his large hands are holding my face and his lips cover mine.

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