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I yawn sleepily as I roll over to an empty bed. The memories of last night with Nate flood my mind and I grin widely before gently pushing myself out from under the warm sheets. 

My clothes are scattered all across his bedroom floor, but I take the time to slip my jeans back onto my body before exiting his room. 
The minute I set foot into the chilly hallway, the smell of coffee fills my nose and I practically drool. I haven't been able to get my hands on a hot cup of coffee in a long time. 

My feet drag me toward the smell, and my eyes are graced with the sight of my shirtless boyfriend standing over the coffee pot. I'm almost happy he hasn't heard me come in yet, because it gives me the chance to watch him. I mean that in the least creepy way possible. 

His back muscles tighten every time he leans forward to reach for something and the dimples at the bottom of his spine make me melt. I can't take it anymore, and let myself wander behind him, my arms wrapping loosely around his torso. 

As his warm skin meets mine I internally sigh in relaxation. I feel his body shake as he chuckles. 

"Morning, sunshine." He mumbles over his shoulder at me. 

I grin and bury my blushing face into his back, even though he can't see me. 

He turns himself around in my loose grip, leaning himself back against the white counter top, as he smirks over his steaming mug of coffee. 
"How you feeling?" 

I roll my eyes playfully and let go of him, helping myself to a small cup of coffee. 
"Sore as hell, thank you very much for that." 

He snorts and takes a long sip from his mug before sitting it down gently, and pulling me into his chest. 
"I'm sorry, love." 

I lazily lean my head up and kiss his stubbly chin. 
"I love you." 

His dimples are quick to pop onto his cheeks cutely, and his eyes instantly brighten. 
"I love you too, baby." He mumbles, leaning down to kiss my nose. 

I giggle.
"You missed." 

His signature smirk spreads across his face as he leans his head down more and captures my lips with his. His warm hands hold my cheeks gently as his lips leave mine, and move to place small kisses onto every inch of my face, finally coming back to leave one last long kiss on my lips. 

"That's better." I grin as I sip the last bit of coffee from my mug and place it down in the sink, moving slowly over to the couch and sitting down as easily as possible. Despite my efforts, I still find myself wincing as my ass his the cushion. 

Nate laughs as he plops down beside me and I smack his chest. 
"Okay, okay. I'm done laughing. Now come here."

I sigh and slowly move myself in between his legs, my back leaning against his chest to take the pressure off of my bum. Breathing in his sweet scent instantly calms me and I find my eyes closing again as we sit in the peacefully quiet. 

His fingers fumble until they find my hands, and intertwines them together. His cheek rests on the top of my head.
"I will never, ever be able to tell you how sorry I am."

I sigh and nod. 
"I know. I know I won't be able to just forget it and pretend like nothing ever happened. But I also know that you love me, and I believe you when you say that it didn't mean anything. We can't necessarily just jump back into how things were before, because I have to gain that trust back. That's gonna take some time..."

"I will do whatever it takes. Just please, don't leave." 

I grin and bring our hands to my mouth, kissing his palm. 
"I'm not leaving." 

"I love you." 

I laugh.
"You say that a lot." 

"Well in the words of Augustus Waters, 'I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.'"

"Oh my god, you're not quoting John Green right now." I snort. 

"Who says I don't read?" He shrugs.

I lean my head back to look up at him, arching an accusing brow. 
"I would bet my life that you watched the movie instead." 

He throws his head back as he howls in laughter. 
"Damn. My pretty boy just knows me that well."

I bite my lip, grinning as I turn my attention back down to my small hand being engulfed in his large ones. 

"You wanna call Jamie?"

I nod.
"I thought I was going back today?"

"Well see, I had this thought...." He trails off, "I was thinking, we take today as a 'making up-make out day' and then I'll take you in tomorrow." 

I grin widely at his reasoning but nod. 
"Yeah, I like that idea." 

"I figured you would." 

He lifts himself off of the couch long enough to dig his phone from his shorts pocket, dialing the hospital's number and putting it on speaker phone before holding it out in front of us. 

It rings twice before the line picks up on the other end and Cindy's familiar voice floats through the receiver. 
"Long Beach Hospital, this is Cindy speaking, how may I help you?" 

I want to laugh at how robotic she sounds with her words as opposed to how bubbly and cheery she always is with Jamie and I. 

"Hey, this is Nate. I was wondering if Jamie was free for a phone call?" 

"Hey Nate! Yes, I'll call her up front." 

There's a long pause, letting us know that she's most likely put us on hold long enough to get Jamie up front. 
After what feels like forever, the other end of the line clicks. 

I start to speak but Nate is quick to cover my mouth.
"Hey Jamie." 

"Oh. Hey, Nate." 

Her voice doesn't even sound like her. Her usual liveliness isn't there. 

"You alright?"

She sighs after a moment. 
"I just miss him." 

My heart breaks for her and I want nothing more than to get there with her now, and to hug her tightly.

"I know what might make you feel better." Nate tells her, grinning. 

"I doubt it, but what?"

His hand leaves my mouth and he places the phone in my hand. 
"Hi, JJ." 

I hear her take a sharp intake of breath and there's silence. 
"Matty?" She asks, almost in a whisper. 

I choke out a laugh and nod.
"Yeah. It's Matty."

I hear her sniff and breathe harshly, and I immediately know she's crying. 
"What are you doing here?" She asks shakily. I can already picture her wiping her tears away as she tries to keep anyone and everyone from seeing her cry. 

"I couldn't do it. I ended up at your apartment with Nate."

She sniffs again.
"So you're...." She trails off. 

"I'm coming back tomorrow."

"Thank god." She laughs shakily. "I was going insane." 

"Me too." 

"I need to get back to meditation. I'll see you tomorrow Matty. Tell my brother I want you here bright and early for breakfast." 

I laugh and nudge Nate's hand in my lap. 
"I'll be there. I love you." 

"I love you more. Bye."

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