Chapter Fifteen

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"Matty! You gotta get up, quick!"

I groan and rub my eyes.
"What's going on?" I grumble.

Jamie's dressed in her usual clothes now-a pink tank top and black yoga pants. Her black hair is still wet from her shower but it's pulled back into a tight braid.

"You gotta get back to your room before they come to wake us up for breakfast."

My face twists in confusion.

"It's against the rules for patients to stay in each other's rooms over night. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

I sit up and reach out, pulling her to me, kissing her forehead sweetly.
"Don't worry about me. When you need me, I'm gonna be here. No matter what."

She gives me a smile.
"Thanks Matty. Now seriously, get out of here. You've got five minutes."

I roll my eyes and push myself out of the warm bed.

Jamie pushes me back as I reach the door to let myself out.
She opens it as quietly as she can, poking her head out.

"Okay go. Hurry!"

She pushes me out the door and into the hall. I almost fall and face plant onto the cold floor but catch myself in time.
Jamie snickers from behind me and I flip her off before shutting my door behind me, adjusting to the bright sunlight streaming through my small window.

Tomorrow I go home. The closer is gets, the more I regret telling mom I'd come. Going back to the place where everything started could do one of two things:
One- break all progress I've made being here so far.
Or two- give me the closure that I need to move on.

With my mother being thrown into the mix, the first option is likely.

A knock on my door breaks through my thought path.
"Breakfast time!"

"Coming!" I reply, trying to not sound too annoyed, but it's only seven in the morning for God's sake.

I pull my shirt over my head and toss it to the dirty pile on the floor.
Grabbing a clean shirt from my bag, I catch my reflection in the mirror.

My scars are still there, I don't know why i keep expecting any different. They look more faded now though, and no new ones have been added to my collection.

I can't help but notice the weight gain as well. It could be worse I guess, but I hate it. I'm gonna be fat again. I pinch at the small pout of fat on my stomach and sigh in frustration.

"It's a good thing. You're getting better." I whisper to myself and pull my clean gray t shirt over my head, moving away from the mirror.

My feet drag my tired body to the cafe and make my way to the table with Jamie.

Today's breakfast is pancakes. I used to love pancakes. My mom would make them every single weekend for me and Eva. And now I don't even want to look at it.

"You Okay?" JJ asks as we both pick at our food.

"Yeah. Just tired."
I reply, yawning.

"Yeah me too." She agrees.

"How are you feeling today?"

She sighs.

I give her a small smile.
"I'm glad."

"What are we glad about?"

Jamie and I both jump at the new voice joining our conversation.

"Jesus Christ Nate! You scared the shit outta me!" Jamie scolds, smacking his arm.

He laughs, throwing his head back.
"My bad. Geez, can't a guy come visit his sister without getting a beating?" He asks, rubbing his arm.

She rolls her eyes, making Nate chuckle and turn to face me.
"Hey pretty boy."

I immediately feel my cheeks warm. Damn him and his charming personality.
At least I know he isn't upset about our last interaction. I feel as if a weight has now been lifted.

I grin.
"Hi Nate."

"Now what are we glad about?"

"Just that-" I stop, looking a Jamie as she stares at me with wild eyes.

I clear my throat.
"That they're finally having pancakes for breakfast." I finish.

Jamie gives me a thankful smile and I nod.

Nate rolls his eyes.
"You guys have the most boring conversations."

I scoff and Jamie smacks the back of his head.

"Jesus. Okay I take it back, just quit hitting me."

Jamie and I both laugh, making him pout cutely.
"You're just gonna let her beat me up pretty boy? I'm quite hurt."

I shrug.
"I've learned to just sit back and let Jamie do her thing."

"Fair enough."

"You two make me sound like a monster." JJ pouts.

"You know we love you." I giggle.

She rolls her eyes and takes a small bite of her pancake. I can't help but notice how proud Nate looks when she finally swallows her it. I'm proud of her too, she's doing great for herself, even if she doesn't believe it.

It won't be long before she's gonna start staring me down, waiting for me to do the same, so I cut off a small piece and chew it thoughtfully.

"Oh! Since you're here..." Jamie begins, giving me a look before turning back to her brother. "Is there something you wanna tell us?"

He tilts his head in confusion.
"Um? No? What are you talking about?"

"What do you know about Spencer O'Connell?"

His facial expression changes dramatically and his muscles tense.

"Well something obvi-"

"I gotta go." He interrupts.

Jamie tries to call after him and get him to come back but he ignores her and continues walking, letting himself out of the cafeteria.

She groans and lays her head down on the table.
"Well that went well." She says, words spitting sarcasm.

I laugh.
"Maybe you can get him to talk to you this weekend when you don't have anyone around to interfere." I suggest.

She nods, looking over to the spot where her brother sat moments ago.
"Yeah. Maybe."

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