Chapter Thirteen

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"I had a feeling I'd find you here."

Spencer jumps at the sound of my voice, his book falling onto the floor at his feet.

"Sorry." I mumble apologetically.

He gives me a small smile.
"It's fine."

I take a seat next to him on the cold, linoleum floor.
"What are you reading?"

He folds the corner of the page to save his place and holds the book out to show me.
"It's called 'The Devil'."

"Tolstoy, right?"

He smiles.
"Yeah. Have you read it?"

I shake my head and hand the book back to him.
"Nah. I'm more of a Hemingway fan."

He nods.
"Yeah he's a really good writer."

"You should read 'For Whom The Bell Tolls'. Its my favorite."

He gasps.
"I could never commit such a betrayal to Tolstoy!"

I laugh, louder than I intended, and am immediately shushed by Miss Porter-the librarian.
Spencer chokes back a laugh.

"What Tolstoy doesn't know can't harm him." I whisper.

"Nothing does harm if ones mind is at peace."

"Oh no. You're reciting classic literature now. Jamie will never hear the end of it between us two."

He giggles.
"I'm guessing she's not a big fan of the classics?"

"She likes poetry a lot. But I recite all kinds of shit to her every day and it annoys the hell out of her." I explain.

He shakes his head at me, grinning.
"Poor Jamie." He teases.

"Hey speaking of Jamie..."

His head turns to me, raising a questioning brow.

"Do you have something against her brother or something?" I ask as delicately as possible.

His body becomes rigid like it did yesterday at the mention of Nate. He turns his gaze back to the book in his lap.
"No. Why?"

It doesn't take a genius to see that he's not telling the truth.

"I mean every time he's mentioned, you get all tense and you act different."

He shrugs but remains silent.

"Please tell me. I just wanna help, if I can. Did something happen?"

He stays quiet for a while, I almost think he's gonna tell me the truth, but he shakes his head again and quickly stands up.
"No. Don't worry about it. I gotta go."

I don't get a chance to stop him before he's already halfway across the room and pushing his small body through the heavy doors.

I groan loudly and bang my head against the shelf behind me, only to get shushed by Miss Porter once again.
I give her a sheepish smile and push myself off the floor and exits the library as well.

Jamie pokes her head out from my room at the end of the hall where I had to force her to stay long enough for me to talk to Spencer.


I shake my head.
"He's hiding something but he won't spill."

She frowns.
"You don't think Nate hurt him or something right?"

"I've only known the guy for a little while, how should I know?"

"I don't know. I'm just trying not to let my mind wander." She explains, huffing.

I take a seat next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. She leans into my touch and places her head on my shoulder.
"It'll be okay JJ."

"I hope so."

Pretty Boy (boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz