Chapter Thirty Five

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"Hi, son." 

I can barely recognize the man that stands in front of me now. He looks nothing like the way I remember him. He used to always be well put together, hair always gelled back and freshly shaved face, usually wearing some sort of suit and plain tie. 

This man is dressed down in a dark green polo shirt and blue jeans. His hair is much longer now, but it isn't styled. It looks like he's just rolled out of bed. He's got a scruffy beard now, traces of gray filing in along with the rest of the dark hair. 

"Don't call me that."

He gives me a defeated look and takes a step toward me. I take a step back. 
He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a small envelope and holding it up for me to see. 
"I got your letter." 

I cross my arms over my chest, keeping my distance.
"A simple return letter would've sufficed." 

"This was too important to just respond with some crumby letter." He remarks.

I scoff, rolling my eyes.
"You forgot about anything was important the day you left." 

"I didn't have any choice."

"You didn't have any choice?" I ask angrily, voice rising. 
"You had a fucking choice. I can understand you wanting to divorce mom after everything, she shut me out the same way she did you. But you moved states away, and didn't even bother to try and get custody of me. I needed a dad, but you didn't care. You left anyways. I haven't heard from you in at least two years, and the only reason that I wrote to you was because the Doctor thought it would help me."

"I, I'm sorry." He stammers. 

I let my hands fall back to my sides and step towards him angrily, shoving at his chest. 
"Sorry isn't good enough. You left me. Eva left me. The only time I heard mom speak was if I was lucky enough to see her in the mornings before she left for work. I didn't have anyone!" I yell. 

I can hear footsteps running in behind me but I don't pay attention. I never thought that I could ever feel so much anger as I do right now. But it feels good to say it out loud. 
"You should see the scars on my stomach. You were the reason behind quite a few of them. I hope your proud." I spit. 

"Matt. Come on, let's go back outside." I hear Nate speak calmly from behind me. 

I swing my body around and scoff as I look at Nate and Jamie's concerned expression. 
"So glad you could make it. This is my dad. We've got a lot of time to make up for." I tell them, sarcasm spilling from my mouth like venom. 

Jamie licks her lips and steps forward.
"Matty, why don't we just go back to your room for a little bit and let you calm down some?" 

"I'm not leaving. I have the right to speak with my son." 

His gravely voice fills the room and I swear I could explode at his words. I grit my teeth together, spinning around to him and shoving him roughly. 
"You don't have the right to do anything with me you piece of shit! You walked out on me!" I scream.

I hear more footsteps approaching behind me. 
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Cindy speaks calmly. 

"He is my son." He says, a frown etching onto his face. 

Before I can understand what I'm doing, my fist lunges at his face and he teeters backwards in shock, holding his nose. 
I feel arms around my waist within seconds, pulling me away from him. 

"Come on baby, it's okay. Let's go." 

I struggle against Nate's grip around me, but I already know it won't do any good. He's much bigger than me and at least ten times stronger. I watch as Cindy and Doctor Olsen escort him out of the hospital doors as Nate pulls me down the hallway, into my bedroom. 

I punch at his chest in frustration.
"He left me!" I yell, tears falling down my red cheeks. 

He holds my hands together, preventing me from hitting him again, and holds me against him. 
"I know. I'm sorry." He whispers, kissing my head. "I'm sorry."

I hear the door squeak open and Jamie wastes no time in squeezing herself into our hug.
"I'm sorry Matty." 

I sigh.
"It's fine. He shouldn't have come here." 

I pull myself away from the pair, sitting down on the edge of my bed, placing my face in my hands. 

"He's gone, now. I told Doctor Olsen not to call your mom. I figured you'd want to do that on your own time." Jamie explains, sitting down criss-cross on the hardwood floor in front of me. 

I nod and lift my head, giving her a grateful smile.
"Thanks JJ." 

"I've never seen you so angry."

I shrug.
"I never thought I'd ever have the courage to finally stand up to him. I'm glad I did."

"Courage is grace under pressure." Nate adds. 

I laugh.
"Since when do you quote Hemingway?"

"Kind of have to learn it if my boyfriend is constantly going to recite it." He admits, coming to sit down beside me, nudging my shoulder playfully.
"You should be really proud of yourself."

I bite my lip to hide my grin.

His lips touch my cheek and I giggle when I feel the scruffiness of his facial hair tickle my neck.
"You need to shave." I tease.

He rolls his eyes.
"Whatever you say pretty boy."

Jamie groans.
"Jesus, do you two ever stop being so sappy and lovey dovey?" 

We laugh and I reach behind me to throw a pillow at her. She catches it instead, sticking her tongue out at me in victory. 

"Anybody down for a midday nap?" I ask, yawning. 

"Me!" They both agree. 

I look down at the small twin sized bed. Nate and I can barely fit on here, much less three people. 
I smirk and roll myself over onto Nate, pulling the blanket over us as I sigh happily into his chest. Jamie laughs and crawls in next to us, covering herself up and closing her eyes. 

Pretty Boy (boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें