Chapter Twenty Eight

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I haven't talked to my mom since Wednesday's phone call. I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was upset. I really didn't mean to make her mad, I was just trying to do what I was told. 

Jamie and I are already up front in the waiting area of the lobby as we wait for our parents to come get us for the weekend. Caroline and Sophia were the first to leave. I swear I think their parents wait outside the doors so they can be the first inside when they let us leave at 3:00. I don't guess that's a bad thing. 
Derek left shortly after and Spencer after him.  

I click my phone on to look at the time. It's almost 4 now and I'm starting to worry. What if I really made her mad? What if she isn't gonna come get me? Would she really leave me here without so much as a phone call? It wouldn't surprise me. She's done it before. 

I hear the door open again and am slightly disappointed when it's Jamie's mother that walks in instead of mine. My spirits are lifted slightly when Nate walks in behind her and Jamie launches herself into her mother's arms. 

I lean up and sit on the edge of my seat, smiling over at Nate as he walks up behind them. 

"I'm surprised you haven't left yet." He tells me. 

I sigh and peek at the time on my phone again. 
"I thought she would've been here by now." I frown. 

"Why don't you call her?"

I nod and excuse myself to a separate spot in the corner of the room as the line rings in my ear. 
I really don't want to stay here alone all weekend. I haven't spent a day alone since I first got checked in here and, quite frankly, I like not being alone.

The line rings again and again, my hopes of her picking up the line diminishing with every ring. By the seventh ring, I give up and end the call. 
I try to hide my frown as I make my way back over to Jamie and her mom but Nate picks up on my change in mood rather quickly. 

He gives me a look and pulls me over to the side. 
"Are you okay?"

I shrug.
"Yeah I guess. Mom didn't pick up so I'm guessing I'll be here for the weekend." 

"What if I found a way to get you out of here, but without you going home?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"And how are you gonna do that?"

He grins, holding up a finger, and stepping over to his mother whispering something in her ear. I feel their eyes on me and I cast my gaze down, trying to ignore their stares. 
Moments later, Nate stands back at my side and wraps an arm around my neck. 

"You're going home with me this weekend, pretty boy." He whispers in my ear. 

"Wait, what?" I ask, whipping my head around to look at Jamie who's grinning brightly. 

"You're technically not supposed to leave unless you're checked out by a parent or guardian, but Cindy adores you. I think we can get her to bend the rules a bit. Can you forge your mom's signature?" 

I laugh and shake my head at him. 
"You're insane. Where am I even gonna sleep? I can't intrude into your house and on your mom like that. That would be rude." 

He rolls his eyes and drags me over to where his mom stands with Jamie.
"Mama, please tell Matt that him staying the weekend with us is not a problem."

My cheeks heat up as he puts his mother on the spot. I feel awful now. 

She gives me a warm smile and places a gentle hand on my shoulder.
"It really is no problem. We would all enjoy the extra company." 

I bite my lip and look over at Jamie who is nodding enthusiastically, signalling me to accept the offer and quit being a baby.

"Okay. If you're sure." I relent. 

"YES!! This is gonna be so fun!" Jamie exclaims, jumping up and down happily. 

I laugh and follow the three of them over to the desk to sign out. 

Cindy gives me a look as I forge my mom's signature on the sign out sheet and I give her a sad face, silently begging her to just let this one slide. Thankfully, she gives me a wink and zips her lips, pretending to throw away the key.

I laugh and give her a final wave as I follow the other three outside to the car. 

Jamie forces Nate to sit up front on the ride back to their house, just so she can sit beside me in the back seat of the small white car. 

I open my phone and type out a quick message to my mom. I guess she at least should know where I am. 

'You didn't show up, so Jamie and Nate's mom offered to let me stay with them for the weekend.'

The car ride is rather quiet, but the silence is quite comfortable. I feel my phone buzz in my lap. I'm half hoping it's my mom, hopefully with a good reason as to why she didn't bother to show up, but it isn't. I'm surprised to see that it's from Nate. 

'Would you be comfortable with my mom knowing? She won't judge you, I promise. But it's up to you.'

I glance up at him in the seat in front of me and then over to his mom in the drivers seat. I barely know the woman, but she supports her son, so I don't think she would have anything bad to say about me. I hope not anyway.

I reply back with a quick.

As soon as the message goes through, I watch Nate's feature brighten into a smile as he looks at the message. 


"Hm?" She hums, keeping her eyes on the road. 

"I've got some news."

She glances over at him.

"Matt and I are together." 

"What??" She asks, surprised, looking at me from the rear view mirror. 

I give her a shy smile and she beams. 
"That's great, conejito." 

"Mooooom." He groans.
"Haven't I outgrown that name yet?"

She laughs at him and focuses back on the road ahead. 

"What's it mean?" I whisper to Jamie. 

"Little bunny." 

I choke on a laugh and Nate jerks his head around to glare at me. 

"It's cute." 

He rolls his eyes, grinning and turning back around. 

We pull into the parking lot in front of the apartment building from last week. Nate stays behind, letting the girls take the lead, and grabbing my hand in his to pull me along behind him. 

We have to walk up two large flights of stairs before they finally stop outside of a door labelled '309'. 
Walking inside, I immediately like it. It's smaller than my house but it looks so homey and comfortable, something that I can't say I'm used to. There is a small kitchen that is attached to a living room, equipped with a brown couch and a TV placed in the corner of the room. Pictures of Nate and Jamie as children litter the walls all around me and I can't help but coo at how cute they look. 

"I know. I was a hella cute baby, huh?" Jamie teases. 

"Language!" Her mother scolds, making both of us laugh. 

"Matt, I was going to say that you could sleep in Nate's room for this weekend, but now that I know about your relationship, that will not be happening."

"Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with that." Nate smirks. 

She rolls her eyes and ignores him.
"You'll be okay on the couch right?"

I nod.
"Yeah, of course. I really appreciate you letting me stay."

She grins.
"Not a problem, really." 

She excuses herself to the bathroom down the hall and Jamie flops down onto the couch, motioning for me to do the same. I do, and Nate flops on top of me.

"You still okay with a date tomorrow night?" 

I smile.
"Yeah. I am."

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