Chapter Thirty One

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"Okay, now it's your turn. Tell me something." Nate smirks, leaning his head back onto his hands. 

I fold my hands on top of his chest, resting my chin on them.
"I'm afraid I have no interesting stories to tell."

He rolls his eyes.
"I don't believe that."

I pause, pursing my lips as I try to think of something. 
"Before I moved here, I lived in Sunnyvale California. After everything happened with Eva and my dad, mom decided we needed a fresh start so we moved here. With me having to transfer schools and not knowing anyone, I ended up getting bullied a lot." I mumble the last part.

Nate's features etch themselves into a deep-set frown and he lifts his hand to brush the hair from my eyes.
"What did they do?"

I sigh, focusing my attention on the random patterns my fingers drew on his shirt. 
"Most of it was just name calling and stupid shit, but they beat me up pretty bad a couple times. At the time, I didn't even care, it just gave me another reason to hurt myself." 

"Did you ever tell anyone about it?" 

I shake my head. 
"Mom was never home anyways, and going to a teacher would've just caused more problems." 

"I'm really sorry, love." 

"It's fine. I'm over it, now."

He rubs his fingers into my hair and I lean into his touch. 
"After everything that happened with my dad, I stayed angry for a really long time. I got suspended from school for fighting I don't know how many times. Mama got tired of it and sent me to a therapist, who suggested I take up boxing. I thought it was a stupid idea at the time, but I love it now." 

I smile.
"Now, that is something I would like to see."

"What? Me boxing or me with my shirt off?" He smirks. 

"Both." I giggle. 

I lean my head down onto his chest and sigh, relishing in the silence, accompanied by the faint thumping of his heart in my ears. 

"I really wanna tell my mom about all of this..." I trail off. 


I sigh.
"I'm really scared. She's my only family and I want her to accept me, but what if she doesn't? I don't know what I would do. And then at the same time, I've never felt happier than I do when I'm with you, and I hate the fact that you're basically my dirty little secret. It's not fair to you."

"You don't need to worry about me. I told you in the beginning that I would wait until you were comfortable to come out to your mom. I know how scary it can be and I'm in no way going to rush you."

I lift my head up to smile at him. 
"Ya know, you might just be my favorite human. Aside from JJ, of course."

"I'll take that." He laughs. 

"It's starting to get dark. We should probably start heading back." I tell him, looking up at the trees as the sun starts to duck behind them.

He groans, flipping me over onto my back and hovering himself over me.
"And what if I don't wanna go?"

I blush and grin up at him.
"We have to. I feel bad for leaving Jamie all alone." 

"Yeah, yeah. I guess you're right." He sighs, pushing himself up off the ground, and reaching his hand out to me, pulling me up with him. 

"I just remembered we have to sneak out of here without getting caught and arrested."

He laughs, tucking the blanket underneath his arm and grabbing my hand.
"You'll be fine. Let's go."

He crouches down once we're out of the wooded area and runs around the house, pulling me behind him. 
I breath a sigh of relief when we make it back onto the sidewalk without a problem, and make our way back to the apartment. 

"Did you have fun?" 

I smile up at him and nod.
"Yeah, I really did."

He leans over, kissing the side of my head.
"I'm glad."

"You think Jamie will be mad we didn't actually get her a present?"

He chuckles.
"I went and bought her a tub of chocolate ice cream this morning." 

"You think of everything don't you."

"I do my best." He shrugs. 

Our hands swing back and forth as the apartment building comes back into view and we climb the large stairs. 
I lean my head on his shoulder and yawn as he pushes the door open.
"I'm tired."

I hear him laugh as he shuts the door behind us. I wait for Jamie to run into the room and start asking a bunch of questions, but she doesn't. 
I look over at Nate and he I know he's thinking the same thing I am.

"Jamie?" He calls. 

I jump when I hear what sounds like a muffled sob and loud bumping coming from down the hallway. 

He immediately runs down the hallway, me hot on his heels. Her bedroom door is shut and he wastes no time in shoving it open. 


I feel my heart nearly stop as I look around Nate's broad figure and find Jamie, red faced and sobbing with a hand covering her mouth, and a strange man on top of her with his pants around his ankles. 

I stand frozen as Jamie's terrified body shakes and I barely notice when Nate rips the man away from her, throwing him onto the ground with ease. It is only when I hear Jamie's loud cries that I am able to snap myself back to reality. 

I run to Jamie, who is now only wearing a bra with her panties wrapped around her ankles. I grab the sheet from her bed and wrap it around her, pulling her into my body as she trembles, sobbing into my neck. 

The sounds of Nate screaming and punching the man echo in my ears and I cover JJ's ears, trying to drown the noise out for her. 

"Nate!" I yell over him, ripping his attention away from the man who has fallen victim to his rage. 

I've never seen him this angry. His face is red, his teeth bared, and I can see blood begin to fall from his fist. 

I swallow deeply.
"You need to take him outside. I'm calling the cops." I plead with him, looking over at Jamie, hoping he will follow my suggestion. 

His chest rises and falls rapidly and he looks back down at the man he has clutched in hands before looking at his sister's broken figure. 
He steps off of him, picking the man off of the ground. I don't get to have a good look at the man because his face is now covered in blood, and Nate is quick to shove him out of the room. 

I rub my hand down JJ's hair, rocking her gently, as I reach into my back pocket to grab my phone. Her small hand is quick to grab mine and she looks brokenly at me.

"P-please. Please. I just, I just need you to h-hold me." She sobs. 

I nod and send a quick message to Nate.
'She doesn't want me to call. She needs me. You need to call them before he can get away.'

I can hear Nate's voice screaming from behind the closed bedroom door and JJ cries even harder. I pull her closer to my body and hold her as tight as I can, trying not to let my own tears fall.

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