Chapter Twenty

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It was great to get to sleep in my own room again, in my own bed.
What was not so great, was being woken up at eight in the morning by my cell phone ringing incessantly loud in my ear.

I grumble as it rings for a third time since I've muted it and sit up grumpily.

"What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want?" I snarl.

"Jesus. Remind me to never give you a wake up call again." Nate laughs.

I groan and flip down on my back.
"What do you want Nate?"

He huffs.
"Well if you're going to be all grumpy about it, then I'm not telling." He says childishly.

"Jamie's okay right?" I ask, slightly worried.

"Guess you'll never know since you wanna  be all snappy."

I sigh.
"I am truly sorry for hurting your feelings. What may I help you with?"

He laughs.
"Much better. JJ and I were gonna go to the new West Clearview mall today. You wanna come?"

I rub my tired eyes.

"Noon-ish I guess."

"Sure. I'll meet you there."

"See you then 'Matty'." He teases.

"Fuck off." I laugh.

I hear his laughing along with me as I end the call and stretch my legs, yawning loudly.

I drag my feet lazily across the soft carpet and let myself into the bathroom, turning on the shower and brushing my teeth as I wait for the water to heat up.

I rinse the toothpaste out of my mouth and strip myself out of my clothes, making sure not to let my eyes wander to my reflection in the mirror.

Stepping into the shower, the hot water burns my skin and I love it. The stings that used to come when the water hit my stomach, don't come this time even though I half expect it to.
I reach for my Old Spice shampoo that I used daily when I still lived at home and lather it into my hair. They give us some generic coconut shampoo at the hospital that I've come to like a lot. I almost wish I had it here with me now.

My small bar of soap begins to lather against my wet skin and I let my mind wander.
Of course the first place it decides to wander is to Nate. I still don't know how I feel about everything yet, but I do know that he's pretty. Really, really pretty.

His dark hair is always pushed back from his face and his dimples pop out when he smiles or laughs really hard. Not to mention he's extremely fit. He's thin, but is equipped with defined muscles on his arms and chest that would make anyone swoon.

Before I know what's happening, I feel the blood rush down to my dick.
Oh shit.
I am not hard right now. This is a dream right? Please be a dream.

This is so wrong. I don't even know if I'm actually gay or not yet and I'm getting hard over just thinking of Nate. Maybe it's just teenage hormones and the hot water. Yeah, that's it.

I bite my lip as it starts to hurt a bit. I can either stand under some cold water and force it away or take care of it myself.

I really want to take care of it my way, but the logical portion of my brain kicks in to remind me that it would be too weird. So, instead, I flip the shower knob to cold and force myself to think of anything but him.

Once my.....problem is taken care of, I step out of the freezing water and wrap a towel around my waist.
My hair is still dripping with water as I trudge back into my bedroom and attempt to find something to wear.

Most of my clothes are back at the hospital so I have to settle for a pair of faded black jeans, an old Rolling Stones t shirt that I haven't worn in years, and my white vans.

I rub the towel over my head, drying my hair out as much as I can.

Mom must already be awake because I can hear her opening and closing cabinets down the hall.
When I enter the kitchen, she is already dressed in her pink scrubs with her hair pinned back.

"Morning." I greet.

"Is that your dads shirt?" She asks, eyeing me.

I shrug.
"It's the only thing I could find to wear."

She nods.
"Where are you going?"

"Nate called and asked if I wanted to hang out with him and Jamie at the mall for a little while."

"Oh okay. I have to start my shift at one."

"Could you drop me off on your way, then? It's the new West Clearview Mall. You should pass it on the way to work anyway."

"Yeah sure. Now sit down and eat something." 

"Yes mother."

I find a cereal bar in the back of the pantry and split it in half, handing mom the other part.

"What time is it?"

I pull my phone out of my back pocket.
"11:45 am."

"Come on let's get going."

I follow her out to the car and climb in beside her, taking a bite of my breakfast bar.
"You realize that if we leave now, you'll get to work like an hour early."

She clears her throat as she stops at the stop sign at the end of our quiet street.
"I was thinking of making a stop at the cemetery before work."

I try not to look so surprised and give her a big smile.
"That's great, mom."

She huffs out a heavy breath.
"I don't know if I'm gonna be able to go through with it."

"If you can't that's fine. The fact that you're even considering it shows you're making progress. Eva would want you to move on."

She nods.

I pull my phone back out of my pocket and send a text to JJ.

'Im almost there.'

Within seconds my phone buzzes with a reply.
'We're out front.'

"You can just pull up to the door and let me out. They're waiting for me outside." I tell her as she pulls into the large mall parking lot.

"There they are." I point as the pair come into view.

She does as I suggested and pulls around the lot, stopping to let me out.

"Hey pretty boy!" Nate yells, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Hi." I laugh, blushing shyly.

I try to ignore my moms questioning stare.
Jamie catches up with him and hugs me to her side.

"Oh. This is my mom, Susan. Mom, this is Jamie and Nate."

She smiles and gives the two of them a wave.
"Nice to meet you guys."

Jamie gives her a polite smile.
"Nice to meet you too."

"Alright I need to get going. Do I need to come pick you up later?" Mom asks, eyeing me through the open car window.

I start to tell her yes but Nate smacks a hand over my mouth.
"I can bring him home."

She raises an eyebrow at me and I shrug.

"Okay. Bye Matthew."

I wave to her as Nate's hand still covers my mouth.

I watch as she drives off, and I finally pull Nate's hand from my mouth, holding it down by his side.

"Am I allowed to speak now?"

JJ laughs.
"He forgot his manners at home."

"I don't recall him having many to begin with." I tease.

"Rude!" He pouts.

"Come on, I heard they're having a sale in Bath and Body Works!" Jamie exclaims, running inside.

Nate and I both share a look and follow after her.

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