Chapter Eleven

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(*^Derek Rodgers)

I jog to meet up with Jamie at the door.
"Hey you're cool if Spencer sits with us for lunch right?" I whisper.

She smiles.
"Yeah sure."

She looks over my shoulder to give him a friendly wave and he replies with a small grin.

The short walk to the cafe is quiet, other than Jamie moaning and groaning about how she hopes they aren't serving meatloaf again, and Spencer and I laughing at her dramatic antics.

Stepping into the small lunch room, the smell of hamburgers fill our noses. Jamie sighs contently.
"Thank god."

I laugh and follow behind her to the counter for a plate.

Spencer fills his plate with two hamburgers and a small handful of potato chips.
It feels odd seeing someone want to eat so much after only allowing myself a few bites of something a day.

Jamie and I both go to grab the smallest burger on the tray, but decide to compromise and split it in half instead. Neither of us will eat the whole thing anyway.

Spencer follows us to our regular table and sits down next to me, leaving JJ to sit across from us.

He immediately bites into his burger hungrily.

"Is it good?" I tease.

He looks down at his plate shyly, swallowing.
"Yeah." He grins.

I laugh and take a small bite of my own. I'm getting better with my eating habits since I've been here. I didn't really have much of a choice I suppose. They don't allow meal skipping and I can't sneak to a bathroom without someone standing guard outside in case I decide to revert to old habits. I'm proud of myself.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when Jamie swallows her bite of food and clears her throat to speak.
"So Nate was supposed to come eat lunch with us today."

The mention of his name makes my heartbeat pump faster, but I try to calm myself before JJ notices.
I can feel Spencer tense next to me and he stops chewing. I want to ask what's wrong but I know he probably won't tell me with Jamie sitting here too.

"Is he not coming?" I ask, glancing at the clock as our short hour of lunch ticks by.

She sighs, looking over at the clock too.
"I don't think so. He must've gotten hung up with something."

I nod.

Spencer visibly relaxes when he hears that Nate won't be joining us.
I make a mental note to ask about it later.

Spencer doesn't say much else throughout the rest of lunch, and the last of the food on his plate goes to waste.
Jamie must feel the tension because she gives me a look and I just shrug, not having an answer either.

We're finally put out of the miserable tension when the intercom echoes through the room.

"Lunch hour is now over. Please enjoy your free hour before mediation at two o'clock."

We all stand at the same time, not knowing what to do now.

Spencer awkwardly clears his throat.
"I'm gonna head to the library. I'll see you guys later."

I nod and he exits quickly.

"Do you have any idea wha-"

"I don't have a clue."

She sighs.
"Where'd Derek go?"

"If I had to guess, I would say he's probably in his room with a big ass book."

She snorts.
"Let's go visit."

I nod and follow behind her, tossing my plate into the garbage can as we exit the room. 

Just like I predicted, Derek is curled up on his bed with his nose in a book. 
Jamie knocks on the open door, calling his attention to us.

"Feel like some company?" JJ grins. 

"Why not?" He shrugs, bookmarking his page and placing the book down on the bed beside him. 

"So how was your weekend?" I ask him, plopping down on the floor in front of him. 

The same goofy grin from before returns.
"It was great."

Jamie must notice his change in demeanor as much as I do. However, where as I am more subtle about things, she is the exact opposite. 

"What's got you so happy?" She asks playfully. 

He shrugs.
"I met this girl."

Jamie squeals loudly and skips over to sit beside him on the bed.
"Spill everything." 

I try to hide my laughter at her reaction but it comes out as a snort. She flips me off, never taking her eyes off of Derek, making me laugh harder. 

Derek grins.
"She works at the movie theater near my house. My brother takes me to see a movie every weekend so I get to see her at least once, if not more, every week. She's gorgeous. We had started talking the last couple times I was there but she actually gave me her number this time." 

Jamie giggles, covering her mouth with her hands. 
"That's so cute! What's her name?"


"What's she like?" Jamie asks, placing her chin in her hands, listening intently. 

Derek laughs and looks over at me.
"Is she always this nosy?"

"Afraid so." 

She rolls her eyes at the both of us.
"Come on, I gotta know." She complains. 

"Okay, okay." He relents. 
"She's really sweet and independent. She can be soft spoken, but will call you out on your bullshit." He laughs. 

"Sounds like my type of girl." Jamie teases. 

"She's amazing. I'm thinking about asking her out next time I go home." 

"You should. She sounds like a cool person." I encourage him. 


"Yes, and let us know how it goes when you get back." JJ adds.

"Jamie. Chill." 

She sticks her tongue out at me and grabs the pillow from behind her, throwing it and hitting me square in the face. 

I roll my eyes.
"Or not."

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