*I Remember*

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if you haven't yet read the scorch trials, i suggest not reading this story until you have, 'cause there will be spoilers. this is set during tst and so i don't want to ruin it for anyone. also, i suggest you read the prequel to this beforehand. 'kay. that's all. enjoy the first chapter!

*I Remember*

I remember.


What the world was like.

What my childhood was like.

I remember my parents, my sister, my pets, my friends, my teachers. I remember my neighbourhood and my school, the shops and the hospital. Living as happy as a six year old can.

And then I remember the Flare; the disease that struck the world with a vast impact. I remember all the death and panic as thousands and then millions turned into crazed maniacs.

Then I remember being taken away from all that I knew by people in lab coats. A lanky man with round spectacle, and a short woman with a stern face.

They took me away from my family; told me it was for a good cause. They brought me to a vast facility somewhere in the world, where they were apparently devising a cure.

But I was just another test subject; one they decided to keep. And experiment on.

And then there were the others; Newt, Minho, Chuck, Frypan, Jeff... they were all just subjects. Subjects for a series of trials, devised by the scientific group WICKED.

But now. Now it was over. WICKED would not win. I would make sure of that.


I jerked up with a start, blinking away the memories swimming through my eyes. I was in a solitary room; more like a cubicle judging from the size of it. I was laying on a bed with white sheets, clad in a white uniform. The walls were flecked pale, and my head swam with my dull settings.

I blinked. And, gradually, everything else came into focus. A humming machine was monitoring me through a series of twisted wires, and a frequent beep marked my heartbeat.

I seemed to be alive.

But how was that possible?

I remembered Glenn stabbing me from behind, and then collapsing into Newt's arms. I remember feeling the pain, raging through my body like a tempest, and then the rain falling on my face... or were they Newt's tears? Parts of my death were fuzzy, like they didn't quite happen, but I thought they did.

Maybe he didn't kill me after all? Maybe I escaped death. Or maybe WICKED brought me back to life; wanted me to compete in another series of ridiculous tests.

I slowly propped myself up onto my elbows; panic and frustration tugged at my stomach. Where was I exactly? And why was I in this room?

I gingerly swung my legs over the side of the bed and slipped off; my feet thudded dully against the icy tiled floor, and I was reminded vaguely of Glenn's motionless body crashing into the grass. I shuddered at the memory and set about tugging the wires from my arms and neck with slow and stiff movements. It stung every time I removed one of the suctions from my skin, but I was eventually free of the monitor; which instantly died into a low buzz.

Taking a step forward, I suddenly became aware of something stiff wrapped around my body, hindering my movements.

I carefully peeled my shirt up and exposed my stomach, covered with a thick strip of material. The bandage was wrapped around my entire stomach and back, stopping just below my chest. I winced as I attempted to tug it off, but the material scratched uncomfortably against my skin as I tried to adjust it.

I eventually just left it as it was and tottered forward to the door, feeling unsteady on my feet. My limbs felt heavy and slightly numb, as if I'd just started to recover from an anaesthetic. But then I realised that perhaps I was; what if they had operated on me again?

Struggling to drag my arm up to grasp the handle, I gave it a shake and exclaimed in surprise as the door creaked outwards. I wasn't locked in?

Peering round the door, I found the corridor it led out to was empty. Then I inched it open further and eventually slipped out of cubicle.

In the dimly lit hallway, I noticed at least half a dozen other doors, all evenly spaced out, and I hesitantly approached one of them.

Grasping the handle, I gingerly pulled it and peered inside. To my relief, it was empty, though it was identical to my own room.

I frowned and returned to the corridor, running my eyes along each side in search for an exit. Yet there didn't seem to be one. It was a narrow corridor with about four doors each side; the corners were empty, and all was silent.

Then the panic hit me. And the confusion. And dread. And longing; for my missing family. And my friends. And Newt. Especially Newt. I didn't even know if anyone was alive.

All I knew was that I remember my past.

I remember everything.

And I was trapped.

Trapped as WICKED's slave.

hope the first chapter was okay. sorry it's a bit slow atm. it will get more exciting ;) i'll try and update whenever i can, but it certainly won't be as frequent as 'let me go', so sorry 'bout that. it'd be amazing if this story got as popular as my last, so please vote and comment if you deem it worthy ;) thanks for reading!

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