*Rules are meant to be broken*

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*Rules are meant to be broken*

"What was that all about?" Kyle hissed as Thomas and I walked either side of him, staring sulkily at the ground. I scuffed the heel of my shoe against the dirt, shrugging pathetically.

Everything alright back there? Axel asked, but I ignored him for the moment.

"I'm sorry, Thomas," I apologised quietly. "There was a truth to your words, and I respect your thinking, but I just don't think that it's a good idea to stay here."

He nodded, refusing to glance up at me. "As am I. I should have thought it through more seriously; you're right about WICKED. They're not something we can trust."

I forced him to meet my eye. "Keep that in mind," I said firmly, and he nodded, regaining a spark in his eye.


Everything's fine; I acted a bit stupid. That's all.

"This is it!" Soldier announced, his voice drifting over the excited chatter of the gladers. But then someone stated the obvious, and it seemed that everyone struck dumb.

"It's just a cliff! There is no exit!"

There was a prolonged silence, in which I slammed my forehead with my hand in exasperation. Then an angry clamour rose, and accusations were dealt.

"They tricked us!"

Kyle smirked. "Alright, alright, calm down!" His voice rose to an extremely loud tone, and he murmured for me to keep watch whilst he sorted everything out. "We haven't tricked you; the exit is simply invisible," he stated casually, his tone laced with amusement.

"We're not shucking stupid!" Minho grumbled.

I smiled to myself; at this moment in time, you're acting pretty dumb to me...

"Look, we'll go first and prove to you that we're not lying. Just watch what we do and follow carefully, otherwise you might..."

The rest of his words drifted amongst the quiet hubbub of the crowd as he moved further to the front. I turned to Thomas, still feeling a little pathetic after my outburst.

"Any idea what we're going to do after we get out of here?" He inquired, folding his lean arms across his chest.

I shrugged blandly, suddenly becoming aware of how much he towered over me. "Did you know you're really tall," I suddenly stated, glancing him up and down. His cheeks flushed.

What the hell, Rowan? I hissed to myself.

"Uh, sorry, I don't know why I said that," I trailed, feeling stupid. "Anyway," I spluttered, clearing my throat with a forced cough. "Remember I said Kyle and Soldier are part of Right Arm? Well, there's a lot of them; army units and the lot. Pretty sure they have a camp somewhere. Hopefully they're going to lead us to safety, and then we'll see how things go from there."

He nodded, staring absentmindedly into the distant gloom.

We both immersed into silence, until a familiar voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, uh, Rowan?"

I turned around to face Newt, staring at him placidly. Not surprisingly, however, my stomach began to churn. I still had feelings for him; no matter what had happened with Alyssa, he still meant everything to me, and I wanted more than anything to touch his head... as odd as that sounded. But once my fingers brushed past his temples, he should remember everything we went through together. Everything. And then everything would be okay. Everything would be fixed.

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