*For Him*

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*For Him*

"Hey, you okay?" Thomas asked as I stumbled into Azela's room, his voice laced with genuine sympathy.

"Yeah," I said quietly, my new shoes scuffing along the floor. "Has she done anything yet?"

Thomas nodded. "She keeps calling out for you and Axel," he said gently, his eyes twinkling. "The gathering will be soon; you should join the others and plan what you're going to say."

I nodded, creaking open the door, but then hesitated. "Are you coming?" I inquired sheepishly.

He smiled. "I suppose. But I'd better wait for Jeff first; I don't want to leave her on her own," he said, gesturing to Azela, breathing shallowly.

I offered a smile in return and let the door shut, moving to stand beside Thomas. He raised his eyebrow in question.

I shrugged. "I know what to do; I've been the subject of one before." I said latter part quietly, but Thomas still caught my words.

"You have?" He asked incredulously.

I nodded slowly, wondering how much I ought to tell him. "I've been here before; I was the first girl. But then WICKED took me away and erased everyone's memories of me," I said sadly, remembering Newt's blank face as I called his name.

Thomas' eyes widened, his jaw slightly open. "They... they can't do that..." He whispered, his jaw suddenly clenching. "I'm so sorry; so sorry you had to go through that."

I looked at him in surprise. "You believe me?"

He faltered slightly. "Why wouldn't I?"

My lip trembled, I was on the verge of telling him the whole truth, but Azela's voice cut through my thoughts.

Rowan... She mumbled weakly. Rowan.

I moved to her side, taking her clammy hand in mine. And her eyes blinked open. She squinted, her pupils unfocused.

"Hey," I said softly, and a flare of recognition passed through her face. She bolted up, breathing hard.

"What happened?" She gasped.

I gently pushed her back down onto the bed, shaking my head. "It's alright. We're in the Glade," I said, wincing as her fingers suddenly clutched mine and tightened. "You're safe now; Thomas here has been looking after you."

He blushed slightly, and she turned her attention to him. "Thanks," she breathed, still looking disorientated.

"You need to rest now; Thomas and I are going to go to a meeting and discuss what happens next. We'll send Jeff up, okay? He's a med-jack, and he'll look after you. We'll be back shortly."

If you need anything, remember I'm right here, I added, looking her directly in the eye.

She nodded and released her hold on my hand, her eyes fluttering closed.

I turned to Thomas and nodded. "We'd better go."

He hummed in agreement and we both exited the room, running into Jeff on the stairs.

"Azela's awake; I've told her that you'll look after her."

He nodded and rushed away, and Thomas and I strode through the Glade and to the Council Shack.

The room suddenly fell silent as Thomas and I pushed open the door with a creak. Over fifty pairs of eyes swivelled to face us, and I felt my cheeks begin to glow. Especially as I caught Newt's eye.

I coughed myself to attention and walked steadily to the front, taking a seat beside Axel as Thomas dispersed into the crowd.

"Are you ready to start?" Alby asked Kyle, and he nodded, tentatively stepping forward.

Kyle sucked in a sharp breath. "I know you're all wondering who we are, and why we're here, but everything will be explained during this meeting, so I appreciate you coming to hear us out."

A murmur rose through the crowd, and some guys scoffed.

"You're just intruders!" I heard someone shout from the crowd; a girls voice.

Then I suddenly took the time to register that the crowd before me was a hell of a lot different than I remembered; there were five girls present. Four were grouped in the corner, whilst another, dark-haired girl stood alone next to Thomas.

I gulped and averted my eyes, staring down at my palms.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and glanced up to see Axel shaking his head.

They don't know anything.

I gulped and resumed tracing invisible patterns on my wrists with my eyes. Axel, I'm so sorry. I've been really selfish lately. I hadn't taken into consideration the fact that your maze... Harriet... she might not remember you either and...

We can talk about this later.

I gulped loudly and looked back up; Axel's face was straight. I couldn't appear weak. I had to be strong, for Axel, Azela, Kyle, Soldier, the gladers... and Newt. Even if he didn't know it, I had to stay strong. 

For him.

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