Chapter 13

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The next day: Tuesday!.

Shikamaru's POV.

'I can't wait to tell everyone that today is (Y/N)'s birthday, maybe we can plan a surprise party.......neh, that's going to be a drag to plan and do in less than a day since we have school and this weekend gave me some extra money to buy her a present after school and deliver it to her house today, I hope she likes whatever I get her,' Shikamaru thought walking towards his classroom.

*sigh*, "birthdays are such a drag......sometimes" he mumbled. He slid open the door of their classroom, walked inside and closed the door behind him. He scanned the classroom and noticed that (Y/N) was not present. 'Is she late again?' he thought. He then shrugged it off and went to where Choji was busy munching on his morning snacks.

"Mornin' Choji, didn't you eat breakfast?" he said. "Oh....hey Shikamaru!.....yeah I did eat breakfast, these are just my after snacks" he said pointing to a duffle bag filled with snacks. "Hey Choji, did you know that today is (Y/N)'s birthday?" said Shikamaru with a smile. "HUH?!!!!, TODAY IS
(Y/N)'S BIRTHDAY?!!!!!!" he yelled loudly making Shikamaru cover his ears and the rest of the class turn their heads in their direction after hearing what Choji said.

There were some "HUH?!!!!", "WHAT?!!!!", "SERIOUSLY?!!!!" erupting after a second of hearing Choji's statement from the class, except for Sasuke and Shino of course and Naruto was not present . "What do you mean it's her birthday Choji?" Ino asked yelling from across the room. "Shikamaru says it's her birthday today." Choji answered.

"How come you didn't tell us yesterday?!, we could have brought presents!, are you so lazy you wanted us to do that last minute?!!!!!" Ino yelled angrily. "Of course not, my dad told me yesterday too and it was already late." He said. "Well what are we going to do?!, her birthday is today!!" She yelled. Shikamaru sighed and said "I was thinking we could throw her a surprise party this weekend.".

"That's a great idea!, but today is her birthday, so why don't we wish her a happy birthday today and plan her a surprise party this Saturday and then we will have time to pick her out the perfect presents and celebrate he birthday, even if its belated, its the thought that counts and plus it's the middle of the week, we can't do anything for her now, we have curfews." Said Choji.

"Wow Choji!, that's the smarted plan I have ever seen you come up with!!!" yelled Ino. "But then what about Naruto, should we tell him?" a girl asked. "He and (Y/N) are neighbours, so we should tell him, its only right to do that." said Shikamaru.

"Tell Naruto?, but he would ruin the surprise!, is that Idiot even able to keep a surprise?!" Yelled Sakura. "Yeah well......he deserves to know, speaking of which where is he anyway?". "The usual, glaring at the Hokage faces again" said Kiba with a sigh. "I will tell him later then." said Shikamaru.

Then planned the party this Saturday happily, although Sasuke said that he didn't want to participate at all when the girls asked him and Shino was making his own plans suit theirs because no one asked him anything and he just listened to them quietly, while Hinata was doing the same.

After a while the bell rang and a few minutes later Iruka came inside the classroom making everyone sit down. "Good morning class, I hope you are ready for the lessons today" he said. "Yeah,yeah that's great sensei, but do you have a present for
(Y/N)?" asked Ino. "Huh?....oh is today her birthday?". "Sensei you didn't know too, some home room teacher you are," said Ino.

"Speaking of which, where is (Y/N) anyway?" asked Shikamaru. "Oh.....that....I don't know, maybe she is late again?" Iruka stated in a questioning manner. "But late two days in a row, that is strange" said Choji ."Well it happens sometimes anywa-", "sensei we are planning a surprise party for her this Saturday, will you help?" asked Ino interrupting.

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