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 After a busy week, my parents decided to picnic on Saturday afternoon. This day at the end of April 2008 was exceptional. We soon reach 22°C, which was extremely rare for the season, in our small region of Normandy. There was a beautiful blue sky and not a bit of wind.

"Anya, Teresa, are you ready?" my father got impatient in the entrance.

"The sandwiches are made, Victor! Can you put them in the cooler?" my mother asked him from the kitchen. "Anya, hurry up, if you want us to enjoy this beautiful day!"

"Yes Mom," I replied from my room, upstairs. "But I can't find my little white top, the one you gave me on my birthday," I continued down the stairs.

"Look in lingerie," my mother intervened by joining me at the bottom of the steps. "I seem to have ironed it yesterday."

After finally finding my tank top, I took my black vest that was hanging on the kitchen chair and put on my sunglasses.

"I am ready!"

"You're beautiful, my angel!" complimented my father, proud to have himself chosen this tank top in store.

Once in the car, we drove north-east to the countryside.

After leaving the pollution, I contemplated the landscape to appreciate the vegetation. The charm of the verdant and hilly grasslands, which stood out on the horizon, made you want to get drunk with their natural perfumes. I opened the window and took a deep breath. It was good to breathe the fresh air!

My father parked the vehicle on the side of a small country road in the shade of the sun. It was a place where we used to come for summer picnics. We took a path that led to a clearing, about ten minutes walk. It was sunny, sheltered from the wind.

My mother set up a large yellow tablecloth, covering daisies and gold buttons, and placed the necessary meal.

I lay down on the floor, picked a blade of grass and put it in my mouth. I was hoping I could only spend this day emptying my head and enjoying my Easter vacation. During these last days, I had thought of what I wanted to do at the beginning of September. I had to make a choice. However, I had to make up my mind quickly and give my answer to my teacher once the classes were resumed. Unfortunately, I had no concrete idea in perspective. I was pretty good student but this year of Première Scientifique was quite difficult. I wondered if this orientation really matched. I hesitated between two solutions: to undertake a training in the trade and to leave the Première Scientifique or to continue as well as possible in my launch and to attempt the baccalaureate next year. I was still indecisive. But for now, I wanted to enjoy this beautiful day.

Once the meal was over, my mother and I tanned a little on the grass. My father, who bore very little heat, went for a walk in the shade near the woods.

The silence!

No noise of car or moped strident, or even jackhammers working near our house.


You could hear the chirping of the birds, as well as the slight buzzing of the bees.

Oh, how nice it was!

"You know, darling," suddenly exclaimed my mother, "I thought about the training you spoke to me the other day..."

Missed! I wasn't going to be able to spend my day without thinking about high school.

"With your father, we have discussed at length, and say... that for the moment, financially, it falls rather badly," she said in a tone embarrassed.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now