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As soon as the door of the villa was crossed, an avalanche of questions collapsed on me.

- But what happened to your blouse? There is blood ! And what is this arm bandage? worried my mother.

- It's nothing, mom! I scratched myself by climbing wooden pallets to take a shortcut. One of the slats gave in and I fell, I recited.

Fortunately my long hair hid the bandage in my neck.

- I was lucky that Roland is around, leaving the cinema, I continued. He was able to bandage me.

- And Chris, where is he? me she asked.

- I told him that he did not need to accompany me since Roland was there. Well, now, excuse me, mom, but I would like to change myself.

- Yes of course ! Go ahead, darling!

- Cedric, can you help me, please? I asked him.

Roland went to join Helen in the living room with my mother, and Cedric followed me.

I took a T-shirt in the dressing room and took off my blouse once in the bathroom.

Then we knocked on the bay window.

- Who is it ? I asked Cedric from the bathroom.

"It's Samuel, Ethan, and Allison," he said as he walked to the door to open them.

I quickly pulled on my T-shirt and walked out of the bathroom.

- It's okay ? You have nothing ? Samuel asked me as he tumbled into the room.

He ran to me and I expected him to hug me, but he stopped a few steps from me.

- Oh ! You stink of his smell, he growled.

He took a step back, his lips clenched.

- What were you doing with him? he replied in the same tone. I told you to beware of it.

- Stop, Sam! Allison intervened. She could not guess.

Samuel seemed to relax.

"Yes, she knew it," Ethan murmured.

- What? wondered Samuel. You knew he was a vampire, and you still knew him?

- Yes I knew it. I quickly made the connection when I felt his skin strangely cold and I saw him make an inhuman leap over rocks. My doubts were confirmed when I slipped on the edge of a cliff. I could have died smashing myself on sharp rocks several meters below. But without knowing how, he caught me. He saved my life !

- Yes ! He saved you to drink your blood better. Dead, you would not have been of any use to him, retorted Samuel.

- He does not drink human blood. Well ... usually, I corrected myself.

- To others, they are all the same.

- No ! That's where you're wrong, Samuel. Imagine that he told me his way of life, and I can tell you that he does not feed on human blood, but on animals. According to Chris, not many people eat this way. And as they have less strength in feeding themselves, they resort to a stone that has the effect of compensating for their lack in relation to a vampire who drinks human blood.

- Stone ! But yes ! Allison intervened. This is certainly why we could not anticipate their coming. She protects them.

- Yes. And that's how he was able to break into the villa on Christmas Eve, Samuel added. And since he was the one who took care of Anya's move, he knew the villa perfectly.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant