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The alarm clock rang. It was six thirty. I got up from the bed and looked at the weather outside. It did not seem too cold and there were not many clouds. I took the right clothes in my closet, white pants and red tank top in V-neck and long sleeves.

Once out of the bathroom, I went down to the kitchen and had breakfast.

Three months had passed since the Christmas holidays. I had started my code lessons right after the holidays and had just passed the exam handily. As for the driving, according to the instructor, I was doing well enough and he was planning to pass me the driving test for the month of May.

Being on vacation in the evening was the only thing that kept me going all day. And I already knew that the first thing I would do when I came back from high school would be to throw myself on my bed and sleep.

I went quickly to my room, brushed my teeth and took my school bag and jacket.

As usual, Samuel and Ethan were waiting for me at the bus stop, and after five stops, Allison joined us.

Once in the canteen, Samuel told us of his desire to go to the carnival during the Easter holidays. I was not very up for thrills, but I still agreed to accompany them.

When I returned from high school, as I had promised, I lay down on my bed and rested.

I spent the first week of my vacation concentrating on organizing my birthday. I was about to be eighteen the next week and my mother allowed me to invite friends. All I had to do was invite Chris. I quickly looked in my drawer for the piece of cardboard that contained his phone number, and dialed it on my cell phone.

I was hoping to make the right choice by calling him. Cedric did not really like him and Samuel seemed to be a bit suspicious. But I wanted to prove to them that they were both wrong.

There was only one tone before Chris answered.

- Chris on the camera!

- Hello, Chris! It's Anya Lefranc!

- Anya! Since the time I waited for your call! How are you ?

- I'm fine. I'm sorry I did not get back in touch with you earlier, I was pretty busy lately.

I heard at the other end of the phone a laugh with Chris's.

- Do not worry, the main thing is that you ended up calling me.

- Exactly, I wanted to invite you to my birthday next week, if you're free. I'm celebrating my eighteenth birthday and I'm organizing a little party. There will be a cold buffet, music ..., finally, a nice thing between friends, what!

- I am very happy that you thought of me. It is a pleasure. What day will be your little night?

- Next Thursday !

"No problem, I'll be here," he said, delighted.

- By the way, you can come with Romaric, he will be welcome.

Chris quickly whispered a few words away from the handset, addressing a person who was to be near him, and resumed our conversation soon after.

- It's OK ! Romaric is delighted that you are also inviting him. He thanks you.

- So, that's great! The evening will begin around nineteen thirty. Do you remember the way to come to my house?

- No problem. I have the impression that your move only goes back two days.

- Great ! So, see you next week?

- OKAY. I wish you a good night.

- Thanks, that's nice. You too.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now