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A long four-day weekend was waiting for me to revise my French exam. I was just hoping it would be less boring than last week's.

As agreed, Chris picked me up in the evening, to go to the movies. The session began at about twenty-five. After ten minutes we were already in the parking lot of the shopping center facing the cinema. Finding no free room, Chris decided to park further, on another parking lot. The mall was closing at twenty-two, and obviously there were still many people in the galleries.

Very gallant, Chris paid both movie tickets and was very caring with me. He took a seat beside me, and the intoxicating smell of my blood did not seem to disturb him as much as the previous days, since no more water flowed from my body. He remained, however, as far from me as possible, seated at the back of his seat, as a precaution.

But I did not feel safe any more, not that I did not trust him, because I knew he would come out of the room if he felt the danger. I was rather worried about someone noticing something that would compromise his secret, like changing the color of his pupils from emerald green to ocher, for example. Still, I certainly had to worry about nothing, because he had managed to live for ten decades without anyone noticing anything before me.

But I still felt so nervous when the movie started. It was a scenario adapted from a novel I had read, which told the story of an ancient secret society threatening the existence of the Catholic Church. There was nothing really romantic in this film, but I did not care, as long as I was with Chris and I thought of something other than my problems ...

Leaving the cinema, a slight haze cleared from the ground, due to the high heat and humidity of the day. The sky darkened by the dusk. There were not many cars left in the parking lot.

- Did you like the movie? Chris asked me.

- Yes, it was not bad, I say shuddering.

- You are cold ?

- A little.

- Wait for me in the hall! I'm going to get the car. I do not have one for a long time.

- All right, I said smiling.

I knew that for him, it took very little time to join her.

He trotted across the parking lot so as not to look too fast if a human saw it, then disappeared in the mist, behind the main building of the shopping center.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm behind me.

- Anya, how are you?

Then Samuel walked around me, letting me go to face me.

- Samuel? But what are you doing here?

- It's a long story. You have nothing ?

- No. Why do you want me to have something?

"Do not hang around here," he said, peering around. Let's go!

Then he took me by the arm again and dragged me with him.

- Hold on ! I can not leave. I came with Chris. He is not going to delay, he went to get his car.

- No. Do not stay here. He is very dangerous.

- What? I stammered. And first, how did you find me?

"Allison saw you here in his vision," he continued, still pulling me by the arm.

Immediately, I realized that there was a real danger. I guessed that Allison's vision did not augur well for Samuel to pick me up in a state of panic. So, despite my doubts, I felt a sense of security when his hand went down my arm to intertwine mine.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now