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During the weekend that followed, I had not heard from Chris. He was not answering on his cell phone. He was gone for good. Romaric came to visit me to see if I knew anything about her hasty departure.

- He just left me a letter telling me he had to take stock, informed me Romaric, as we walked along the driveway of the villa, in the shade and away from the ears indiscreet. It is not his habit to leave on a whim. What happened between you?

"Your brother has left to forget me," I replied. We do not feel the same for each other and he understands it.

- Yes, I know. Your relationship tormented him constantly. But he had made a reason. What I do not understand is that on Friday, before the battle, he was doing very well. He was looking forward to being with you. And it was when he brought you back to Samuel that he told you he wanted to leave, did not he?

- Yes. Initially, he pretended it was to find another stone. But then he told me it was to get away from me.

- Then, something must have happened during the battle that made him make this decision. Do not you see what it could be?

I think for a moment. Apart from saving his life by making him drink my blood, I did not see what could have made him take such a resolution. And that was unlikely to be the reason.

- No, I really do not see. But maybe once he has traveled some time to find new stones and he has evacuated, will he come back?

- The notion of time, for a vampire, is totally different from that of a human. For us, leaving some time can represent years.

- So, I must expect never to see him again, then? I deduce, sheepishly.

Romaric could only repress a small pout to answer me.

- It will come back well one day, but certainly not during your existence.

His words caused great sadness in me. I could not imagine for one moment that I might never see him again. I thought back to the moments we shared, to our promises ...

- He had promised to help me manage my new gifts, I sneered melancholy. I really counted on him. But since he will not come back, maybe you could do it yourself? I asked Romaric with a little more enthusiasm.

He looked at me for a moment and then frowned.

- It would be with pleasure, but I'm afraid of not knowing how to control me if ...

- My blood? I said, shaking my head.

- I can just support a human. If you ever get hurt during a workout, I do not think I'll resist its aroma. I am sorry !

- It does not matter, I understand perfectly.

- But, ask the mutanimalis, he suggested to me. They will not be as fast as a vampire, but they can at least teach you some basic rules.

"I'm going to think about it," I said, picking up a branch in the middle of the driveway before throwing it on the roadside. Your brother will surely miss you, I presume?

- I miss him already. We are not used to being far from each other. We are really very close. Perhaps compared to what we experienced after the death of our family. And now that Jeremy's clan has been decimated, I have no one left, "he said sadly.

"In any case, if you feel too lonely, know that you will always be welcome at the villa, if you need to confide in you," I suggested with compassion. And I'm sure the mutanimalis will support you too.

- How nice !

When Romaric left, I rejoined my mother sunning on the pool deck. After ten minutes in the sun, I felt like a pain on my skin, a burn. I jumped up, making my mother jump.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now