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The weekend passed at high speed despite my boredom. It was the first weekend since the beginning of the school year, when I did not see any of my friends. I knew that Ethan and Allison were cooing on their side and that Samuel had not come to see me, certainly under the guidance of Allison, and that Cedric had to revise for his baccalaureate.

Monday afternoon, as I looked through the canteen, I felt a twinge in my heart. Samuel was already there, staring at me. Ethan stared at me too, as if Samuel and he were expecting me to join them. As for Allison, she stared at her tray, playing with her little spoon.

I looked around for another place to sit. I waited in vain for other familiar faces, like that of Marie or Mathieu.

However, I instinctively continued to walk in their direction, pushed by my habit of eating at their table every day since the beginning of the year.

- Anya! hailed me on my back.

I immediately recognized that voice among so many others, and turned back.

- Cedric? I said, surprised. What are you doing here ? What is going on ? I am inquiétai.

His face showed a worried expression.

- Come and sit down ! he threw me.

He led me to a free table, in a corner, away. I put down my tray.

- It's okay ? I am inquiétai.

"I have something new about your father," he mumbled. The piece of fabric you found is from his shirt. And my father did analyze the blood that was on it: it's his.

I almost choked on my mouthful of rice and dropped my fork on the tray.

- Anya! It will be necessary to explain to me where you got the piece of fabric. You have to tell what you know about my father. He can help you.

My hands shook. I could not swallow my meal. My eyes froze and I did not even listen to Cedric talking to me anymore. The only thing I felt I could do was get up and put down my tray before getting out of the canteen. Cedric continued to hail me following me, without me reacting.

Finally, my suspicions turned out to be accurate. Samuel had a connection with my father's murder, but which one? The questioning of the possibility that Samuel was responsible for his death was already unsustainable. But now, having the certainty that it was a piece of the shirt belonging to my father was tearing me apart, even if I had prepared for it.

I did not even bother getting my school bag in my locker and slipped into the first bus before the doors closed, sowing Cédric.

I took care to hold back my tears until I returned home.

I plunged into my room and locked the door behind me before collapsing to the ground, in tears. I put my knees up against my chest, back to the door.

Samuel was the man I loved, but he was also a monster. The one who killed my father.

Why did he massacre innocents in cold blood? And what if he really acted like the characters in horror movies? After all, I did not know much about him and his faculties. And I did not know a lot of things about this metamorph who mutated into a wolf, or I should say that "werewolf". I did not know what drove him to hunt: whether it was hunger, thirst or gambling, the simple desire to kill. If Samuel had not changed in front of me, I would have made another opinion, I would have imagined more hideous and more skeletal as in most movies. Yet he did not look like such a bloodthirsty monster.

Suddenly, I remembered the book on legends, which I found on my desk on Christmas Eve.

I ran to my library, dropping the books one after the other until I found the right one. I quickly turned the pages and the title "Werewolf Legend" appeared, written in large, at the top of a page. I read attentively the three pages devoted to the story of the werewolves.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now