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Summer was looming on the horizon, when we were only at the beginning of June. My mother was starting to regain strength and colors. She had finally managed to get out of her room. As she went, she regained her appetite. Sometimes I detected a tiny smile for me. It was time for me to tell him of my intention to repeat and talk to him about the exams. She was sitting in the kitchen in front of her plate, which she looked at with disgust. I pulled the chair across from her and settled down.

- Mom, we are coming to the end of the school year and my class council is today. I made the decision to redo my year. I would like to give myself a chance to succeed next year.

"You are sure of yourself," she said to me in a low voice.

- Yes, as I will not pass my French exam, I think this is the best solution. With the money from the house, we will find a small apartment in the city center. Unless, "I said softly, seeing his face crumpled," do you prefer us to move away from here? In this case, I should change high school.

Tears filled his eyes.

- Mom, I'm not saying that to hurt you, but Aunt Emma is probably right. Maybe we should rebuild ourselves elsewhere, meet new people. Me too, it will make me sad to leave my friends. But if it can help you get out of the way ... then, in this case, I'm not against it. Dad would like you to continue living and to blossom as he loved to see you so much before.

She looked at me. I felt a certain understanding.

- You're right, it's probably the best solution. In any case, we have no choice with regard to the house. Only, I'm not ready to leave far from here. I would prefer that we find something within a radius of twenty kilometers. I agree to get away from the city, but I will not bear to leave the area.

- All right, I said to reassure her, pressing her hand. So, where do you want us to settle? I continued. On the side of Cherbourg, Saint-Pierre-Church or rather towards Carentan? September is coming soon and I have to make an admission file for my new high school.

- Oh, I do not have a preference. We can look for a house in nearby cities and see if there is one we like, no matter where! she said, showing a real smile.

A very great emotion came to me. I had been waiting for weeks to see that beautiful smile on her face.

- If I can give my opinion, I would prefer something on the side of Cherbourg. I'd rather be near the sea.

- So, let's go to Cherbourg. I told you, I do not care.

- Are you sure ? Because if we do not find this side, we could always expand our scope of research. It's not a decision to take lightly, you know. In a few years, I will leave the house, but you, you will stay there perhaps all your life. So, you have to be sure that this city suits you.

- Do not worry about that, I like Cherbourg. Besides, I lived there almost three years when I was little.

- It is true ? You never told me about it.

- Oh, it's because there is not much to tell. I liked it, I made a lot of friends. Until the day one of them disappeared with her parents. The gendarmes found it after two days, wounded and wandering in the woods. She was the only survivor. His parents were found dead. She was so shocked that her words were inconsistent. We never knew what had really happened in these woods. As a result, she and her brother were placed in foster care.

- I did not know, I'm sorry. And that's why you moved from Cherbourg?

- No, nothing to see. Your grandfather had just got a new position in the army. He was able to buy the house that your grandmother had spotted and dreamed of having on Tourlaville, by the sea.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now