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The next day, it was Ethan's turn to watch over me. Having felt the presence of a vampire near the villa during the night, Patrick ordered Ethan not to let me out of my house.

So I spent my Saturday afternoon, confined inside the villa, to revise for my French writing with the help of Ethan. It was the only thing we could share together, to kill time. But the revisions turned out to be fun and rewarding. Ethan often guessed the answers, systematically anticipated mine and could correct my reasoning immediately. He was a very good teacher.

In the evening, my mother insisted that Ethan stay at dinner, which was a good thing, since he had to keep an eye on me.

After dinner, we settled down comfortably on the couch, watching a movie while my mother cooked take-out meals for her lunches of the week.

We were both very focused on history. In the middle of the film, my arm rested on the cushion that separated me from Ethan. He was sitting in the same position as me. My forearm touched his, and a vague electric current, though pleasant, crossed our two arms to their contact. I was surprised and looked at Ethan. Our eyes met, visibly surprised as well. I stared at him in silence for a few seconds, trying to understand what had happened, without success. He tried somehow to focus again on the film, apparently troubled. I looked at his arm against mine. This strange current gave me an incomprehensible sensation. Like a spider, my fingers moved to Ethan's, unable to control them. At their contacts, a new electric current appeared. Ethan spread his fingers, and mine intertwined with his. His head immediately turned toward me and watched me, not understanding our gestures. He leaned forward and in a burst of passion, kissed me. Our actions succeeded one another without really being aware of it, guided by an unreal and uncontrollable desire. I was troubled by the unknown feelings I had for him at that moment.

Only, I had no idea what I was doing. At no time could I imagine that anything could happen between Ethan and me.

After our long kiss, Ethan stepped back and froze.

- I'm sorry, he gasped. I do not know what happend to me.

He seemed to reproach himself for his actions.

- No it's me. I do not know what took me either, I stammered.

"We can not do that to Samuel and Allison," he said.

"I totally agree with you," I said, embarrassed.

Ethan got up, then turned to me.

- It's better that I leave. I'll ask Samuel to take over for tonight.

- Okay, I said without thinking, already lost in my tormented thoughts.

My sleep was agitated that night. I procrastinated in my head what had happened with Ethan and still did not understand what had happened. I had no idea how things would turn out between us afterwards. And especially if Ethan would talk to Samuel.

When I woke up, I decided to call Ethan to talk about all that and try to understand what might have happened. I ran into his messenger. Going down the stairs, I saw the bay windows on the ground floor, Samuel, Allison and Ethan on the parking lot. My cell closed in my hands. Frozen, I opened them and apprehended their reaction. Ethan approached me, cold and embarrassed, looking away.

"I changed the bolt on your car," he said as he entered. It was not much. I parked it in your yard.

Surprised that he had, despite the situation, taken the time to repair my car, I looked at him, trying to understand his embarrassment.

The looks of Samuel and Allison were the same as they walked through the door. Allison did not flinch. She looked at me with a hint of hatred more. And I understood immediately.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now