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Half-closed eyes, still half asleep, I groped around me, looking for Samuel, but he was not there. I noticed that the brightness of my room was low. The sun had reached the top of the surrounding trees and disappeared behind the roofs of neighboring houses, leaving behind a pink trail.

It was nearly twenty thirty when I woke up. I had to prepare to attend the meeting.

But a smell of food rushed into my nostrils. A meal tray was placed on my coffee table. The plate was covered with a bell, the mist dripping along the wall. No doubt my mother had dropped me this tray, and had preferred to let me sleep. So, I sat in the chair and hurried to eat my meal still warm.

I brushed my teeth and gave me a little makeup to remove the signs of fatigue, then went into my dressing room to put on something warmer. The night promised to be fresh. I replaced my canvas pants with jeans and began to unbutton my blouse, when footsteps echoed on the floor of my room.

It was probably my mother who came to check if I was awake and came looking for the tray. I would have preferred that she still believe me lying down. It would have facilitated my night excursion to Samuel.

But, I was surprised to see the head mutanimalis pass in the frame of the dressing room door.

- Oh it's you ! I let out a sigh of relief. I thought it was my mother. I did not want her to see me standing up.

- She's in the kitchen preparing her meals of the week. And according to Ethan, she planned to go to bed early and watch a movie in her bedroom.

- Good! She should not notice my absence.

I finished unbuttoning my blouse when Samuel's hands rested on mine to continue my gesture. He slid my clothes down my shoulders and kissed me intently, while gently pressing me against the dressing closet. His hands were placed in the hollow of my back, hugging me against him.

"I think we're expected," I interrupted, panting.

"Yes, it's true," he admitted reluctantly, releasing his grip.

- This is only part of the delivery, I reassured him by laying a quick kiss on his lips still hot desire. By the way, Chris and Romaric will surely arrive soon! I continued, pulling on a tank top.

"They are already here," he told me, sniffing the air. But they must still be in their car, their smell is very low.

- Okay. But before leaving, I would like to insure my back, "I said, pulling on my waistcoat now. Could you go shut all the curtains in my room, please?

Samuel complied while I took pillows in the closet and clutched my arms. I slid them under the comforter of my bed, giving them the shape closest to a body. I took the tray and put it on the threshold of the door of my room, in case my mother would come to recover it before going to bed.

My gestures made Samuel laugh, finding that my attitude was worthy of a teenager, doing everything to make the wall.

Arriving in front of the gate, our eyes were automatically on a vehicle ostentatious, parked on the sidewalk, detonating among cars in the neighborhood.

Chris and Romaric came out of a metallic green coupe in soft and graceful gestures.

- Good evening, Anya! greeted me, tilting her head.

- Hi. Thank you for joining us.

- That's the lesser of it. Chris told me about your father. I'm really sorry, I do not ... "

" I know, "I interrupted him in a drier tone than I would have liked, as Samuel was already dragging us along the sidewalk, stopping our discussion to his house. .

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now