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The rest of the holidays was all about the same thing: swimming and tanning; nights under the stars when they were warm enough; and sometimes, I spent some evenings at the Moïka's bar, to see Cedric play the piano.

These little trips were not easy to manage because I did not have a driver's license and my mother could not always take me anywhere. So, it was high time to consider passing my license. After touching two words to my mother, she agreed, but she just asked me to wait a few more months.

The eve of the start was fast approaching and I slept badly, that night, anxious to set foot in a new high school and see new heads watching me.

In the early morning, a beautiful sun shone on my window. Despite everything, a feeling of anguish sneaked up inside me and reminded me what day we were.

I had breakfast with difficulty. I waited a few minutes for the appetite to come to me, but without success. I had to force myself a minimum. I did not want to arrive late the first day. I put on my jacket and took my school bag. My mother wished me good luck before the door closed behind me. I crossed the tree-lined driveway and passed the barrier. I walked down the street for about one hundred and fifty meters and stationed myself in front of the bus stop. Two boys of my age were also waiting under the bus shelter. One was brown with medium length hair, and the other was light brown, with shorter hair and battle headdress. They seemed to know each other well. They put themselves in the bus, three rows in front of me. At the end of the fifth stop, a girl joined them: a small brunette with very long hair. They went down to the same stop as me. I went up the streets of the city center and crossed the courtyard of my new high school. I saw the first building where the word "HOME" appeared on a sign. I took a deep breath before entering.

A small, bright office, lit by the sun's rays, appeared to me. A young blonde woman in glasses was standing behind.

- May I help you?

- I hope so. My name is Anya Lefranc, I'm new, I informed him. I would like to know where I have to go.

"So ... that's the high school plan," she said, grabbing a flyer from the counter. Leaving the office, you will take on your left in the direction of the hall, and you will find the list of different classes hanging on billboards. When you see your name on one of them, look at the top of the list, you will find the name of your teacher and the number of the room where you will have to go. Then, point yourself with the plan.

- Okay. Thank you.

- Have a nice day, she wished me.

I found the lobby without problems and did what was recommended. My main teacher was called Mrs. Lepoitevin and I had to go to Building A. According to the plan, the building was right in front of me. I crossed the courtyard and entered. The ground shone under the sun. The hallway was bright despite the scarlet-red walls and swarming with students. I passed by them without giving them a single glance, which was a good thing and allowed me to melt into the crowd. Once I found the room number, I leaned against the wall opposite to observe my future classmates.

The bell rang and the door opened. A woman in her thirties was standing in the crack, wearing a nice smile of welcome. The students took turns in the class and I recognized three of them: the two boys and the girl who had taken the bus with me. Strangely, I felt more reassured to see them. Since two of them waited for the bus at the same stop as me, I concluded that they should not live too far from home. I watched them, but the one with medium hair left the trio to sit at a table, alone. Still having not found a free chair, I decided to sit next to him.

Once everyone settled in, our teacher closed the door and climbed onto the platform. She took a chalk and inscribed her name on the board. She will be our main teacher and math teacher this year. She wished us success in our year and placed herself behind her desk. She carefully examined a large open notebook, placed on it.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now