21 - CHRIS

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With all that, I needed to change my air, to see other faces.

The next day, I picked up my phone to scroll through the list of my contacts, but I did not know who to call. Then, looking at her pearly hull, Chris's face appeared to me. There was always that strange side about him, almost inhuman, that fascinated me. I did not know what exactly it was. Perhaps it was this incredible, pale beauty that kept drawing my gaze?

So I decided to call Chris, dialing his number right away.

- Anya! It makes me happy that you call me, "said the voice at the end of the line, even before I could introduce myself.

- Chris, it's you?

- Who do you want it to be? You call on my cell phone, I signal you.

How had he guessed it was me? Still one of the many puzzles to solve about him.

- Yes, it's true. I'm just surprised you know it's me calling you.

I heard him laugh at the end of the line.

- It's because your number and your name are displayed, let's see.

- Oh yes, of course ! I sighed, blushing. I'm dumb !

Now that he had told me, it seemed so obvious to me. Why was I still looking for an irrational explanation, when it was just logical?

- I'm calling you to find out if you still agreed to go out on a small outing.

- When you want, my dear!

- Why not this afternoon? You would be free?

- No problem. I'm picking you up. I'll be at your place in ... fifteen minutes, how are you?

- Perfect ! I am waiting for you.

As soon as the phone hung up, I rushed into the dressing room to find a dressier outfit, but not too sexy. It was out of the question to get into a third suitor!

So I opted for a slightly transparent tank top, with long sleeves, in a gradient of red orange, brown and beige, then a short black skirt.

I went down to the kitchen to nibble a piece before leaving. At the same time, a roar sounded and tires were hissing in the driveway. I glanced at the window. A magnificent black car, as sporty and elegant as that of the super heroes, was parked in the car park. I hastened to put my plate in the sink and headed into the entrance. Opening the door, I saw Chris get off the car, in soft gestures that belonged only to him, then he leaned on the roof of the car.

- Hi, he said, taking off his sunglasses. May I take you for a ride in my coach? he added in a small jerk of his head, while wearing a devastating smile.

I closed the door behind me and walked down the steps to the parking lot.

- What a beautiful car! She is yours ?

"Yes," he replied proudly.

- I did not know that your job paid you so much.

- I saved a lot to buy it.

- I see it ! What exactly is it like a car? I asked, caressing the bodywork heated by the sun.

- A Maserati Cambiocorsa. A little Italian!

- She's really beautiful.

"Then, tell me, where do you want me to take you? he asked me, going around the car to open the door.

- We could walk on the coast. I need to change air.

- OKAY. Is there a place that you prefer?

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now