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I woke up in a good mood, happy to start my second week of classes. Who would have believed it ? My friendship with Allison was growing and I was getting closer and closer to Samuel. Ethan was a little more distant, and nevertheless very nice to me.

Samuel was now my table neighbor, and Allison and Ethan were also side by side at tables near ours. I remembered that Allison made me understand during our first meal in the canteen, that she had views on Samuel and I did not want to be an obstacle between them. Still, she did not seem embarrassed to see us spending time together. At the same time, I did not know what Samuel really felt about him. I was just hoping it would not play on my new friendship with Allison.

The dream I made that night was pleasant and very strange at the same time. For the first time, I had dreamed of Samuel. We were walking in a wooded park. He had leaned toward me and kissed me. And strangely, he had disappeared running towards a tree and a few seconds later, the huge wolf that I saw in most of my dreams had appeared.

When I woke up the next morning, this image remained frozen in my head. I did not understand why this wolf kept coming back to my dreams. Apparently, I still did not recover from my father's death and that huge dog he seemed to have seen just before.

The following week Cedric called me to invite me to his birthday. I had found him a sheet of scores with a leather binding and blank lines to write his new compositions on the piano.

On Saturday, my mother dropped me off at Cedric's. She also got out of the car and accompanied me to the door. Candles and balloons of various colors were placed along the aisle. Some multicolored garlands were hanging in front of the porch. Cedric's parents, Helene and Roland, were ready to go out, their coats under their arms. They greeted me, then rushed with my mother in the car. They had planned to go all three to see a film in the cinema and finish the evening at the restaurant. My mother had been enjoying this evening for days.

As a result, we had the house just to celebrate Cédric's birthday.

Upon entering the house, I was surprised to be the first to arrive. The room was dark, but beautifully ornamented. Hélène was an interior decorator, so obviously, it could only be beautiful. A bunch of balloons floated in every nook and cranny of the room. Another garland glittered all along the dining room. Near Cédric's white piano, on a table covered in white, there was a small pile of gifts wrapped in a gradient of blue paper. On another table, also covered with white, stood the sideboard, adorned with two pretty crystal vases filled with beautiful white roses. Next to it was a huge cake with white icing, with a blue inscription on the top. In the middle of the dining room, three large tables were lined up, stacks of blue, white and silver plates were placed on them. Apparently, given the length of the table, Cédric had to invite many people.

At the other end of the room, on the living room side, the sofas, which were usually placed near the fireplace, were pushed against the walls to clear the space for dancing. A tray full of CDs sat in front of the stereo.

Coming out of the kitchen, Cédric carried a tray in his hand, loaded with goblets. He wore a big smile.

- It seemed to me to have heard your voice just now. The parents are already gone?

- Yes, just now.

- Oh damn ! My mother forgot to show me how the oven worked to cook mini-pizzas as an aperitif. Do you know, by chance, how do we do?

- Do not worry ! I take care of it, I reassured him, laughing sweetly.

In the kitchen, I read carefully the information on the packaging, put the oven in operation and introduced mini-pizzas on a plate.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now