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It was the 24th of December. It was half-past four in the dining room clock. My mother was in the kitchen while preparing for the Christmas meal. Delicious smells came out of the kitchen and penetrated into the dining room and intermingled with that of the tree. Songs of a sweet melody echoed in the room for the occasion. My mother insisted on putting a CD in order to get us in the mood.

Outside, the weather was covered with gray clouds, almost dark blue, announcing some snowflakes. I comforted myself that we could have a White Christmas. Then my eyes stopped through the window, on a bird resting on the railing. He was turned in my direction. It was a magnificent raven with a black plumage of metallic luster. It seemed to me more imposing than anyone I had ever met in my life.

- What are you watching ? my mother asked me, bursting into my back.

"There is a huge raven outside," I replied. It's strange to see more in this season. Usually, they migrate east from September, I recite, remembering an article once read by my father in a magazine.

The bird croaked, then flew away.

- I see that one of your father's many passions has left you some traces! raised my mother with a slightly sad smile. By the way ! she remembered, turning around before leaving the room. Can you watch the oven while I pick up my order at the pastry shop? The turkey must remain golden brown. I would not want it to burn too much.

- Well, chief!

Then my mother grabbed her coat and headed for the exit.

I was looking forward to spending Christmas with Samuel. I missed him. I was not used to parting with him that long. Maybe it was wrong? But I knew that our reunion would only be more intense. And I was looking forward to being here tonight.

I tried to decorate the table in the dining room. I placed along the red tablecloth a pretty table runner made of fir and holly branches, as well as golden candles and some red and gold beads. I placed the golden plates on green placemats. I took out the silver cutlery from the precious briefcase that my parents had had as wedding presents, then placed them on either side of each plate and lined up the glasses on the front. I also composed a cascade of champagne glasses on the table adjoining the wall of the entrance to the dining room.

I still glanced in the oven before getting ready to go to my room. I took a quick shower and then combed my hair with the straightener I had borrowed from my mother in her bathroom, thinking that a little change would do me good. My hair was wavy, and I wanted a different hairstyle for the holidays. I slipped on the low-waisted black pants, bought a few days earlier with Samuel, and a glittery red backless top laced up in the back, and slipped on my shoes with little rhinestones on the straps. I took the time to make up and perfume myself before going back to the kitchen.

My mother had already returned. She hurried to finish the preparation of her entry and went up to her room after telling me that Aunt Emma and my cousin Judith were on their way home.

The other guests were to arrive an hour later. I finished installing the appetizer cakes when we rang the bell. At the same moment, my mother ran down the stairs.

She wore a white woolen dress, falling above the knee and a long black vest a little shorter than her dress.

- On time ! she threw me before opening the door.

My aunt entered, carrying a travel bag with one hand and the other with a large bag full of presents, some of which were beyond.

- Merry Christmas ! she wished us, rejoicing, by kissing her sister.

Then a beautiful girl walks out the door. She was dark, her hair tied in a bun, held together by two intertwined stems. Under his coat, you could see a long emerald green satin dress with a nice fluid fall. Her makeup was perfect. It seemed obvious that she was immersed in the world of fashion since childhood.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now