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Months passed and Christmas was fast approaching. There was only one day of classes left before the holidays.

That night, as usual, Samuel was the main character of my dreams. We were in the parking lot of the mall. It was dark and the fog was intense. Samuel held my hand firmly. His features were full of anger. He was staring straight ahead, staring at something I could not see. And when the mist cleared, a shaded silhouette appeared. Slowly, she approached us. It was at that moment that I recognized her. Against all odds, it was Chris's. His face was full of hate, staring at Samuel, ready to pounce on him.

- She's mine ! exclaimed Chris.

"No, you will not touch her," growled Samuel.

He stood in front of me to protect me.

"It's his destiny though," Chris said, amused at the situation.

His pupils became blood red, then he moved slowly in our direction.

- Do not touch her, you monster! said a familiar voice that I recognized.

Cedric was planting there, near me.

- Here then ! Chris laughed. The transit lover! The game will finally be distracting, he says, examining the surroundings.

Samuel walked over to Chris, faster and faster, trembling and grunting.

"I will not let you go," he replied.

"That's what we'll see," Chris said.

He quickened his pace, made a surprisingly high jump over Samuel and rushed towards me. When it came to me, Cédric interposed and Chris thrust fangs in the carotid of my best friend.

- No ! I yelled.

I woke with a start and sat up in the bed. Short of breath, I glanced at my clock radio. It indicated six thirty. I ran my hand over my forehead, then replaced a few strands of hair. I closed my eyes and let myself fall back on the pillows. It took me a good five minutes to recover.

The morning began with an hour and a half of mathematics and a "surprise" assignment. While I was wading in front of my leaf, Samuel seemed very comfortable. The post-Spanish course was of the same taste. It was to believe that all the teachers had given the word. They must have wanted to spend their Christmas holidays correcting our copies.

The afternoon was quieter. During the hour and a half of physics and chemistry, Madame Mangin arrived in the room backwards, drawing a cart with wheels on which was placed a television. Like me, my classmates were also relieved. She explained that since we had just finished the course on acid-base mixtures, she did not want to start a new one, and offered to watch a documentary that closed the previous lesson. She ordered the students near the windows to close the blinds, then bent over to insert the DVD into the drive, and turned off the light.

At the moment when the class was plunged into darkness, I heard a rustle of stool approaching me and I felt a hand resting on my thigh. Surprised at his gesture in public, I glanced at Samuel. The low light of the television lit up his face. He smiled teasingly and his eyes went back to the screen. Samuel slid his hand to the inside of my thigh and I had to stop it just before I sighed with desire. My breath cut off. But what was in his head to make such gestures in the middle of a class? My fingers intertwined with his to keep him from going further.

While the documentary was not finished yet, the buzzer sounded. The hour had seemed infinitely long and pleasant at the same time.

The day of classes was over. We were finally on vacation. Crossing the courtyard, Samuel stifled a laugh.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now