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The days passed and it was already a little over a week since I had any news of Samuel. Not even a call. Nothing. When I tried to reach him, I fell every time on his email. As soon as I went home, no one answered me. The house seemed unoccupied. The mailbox was full of flyers. Ethan was unable to tell me where Samuel was, and Allison did not know any more. But they did not seem to care about me as much as I did. The only thing that had changed in our habits since Samuel was away was that Allison was coming down to the same stop as us, every night.

On the Wednesday of that week, I would spend it at Marie's, to work on our history, and Mathieu had joined us there.

We had worked so hard during the afternoon that I did not pay attention to the time. It was nearly nineteen thirty when I left home. The weather was cloudy and the night was falling very fast. And to top it off, a thick fog was settling in, so I had to walk back. I had only about a mile to go, but the fog was becoming denser, which did not reassure me.

After a quarter of an hour's walk, I felt like a presence behind me. Footsteps far away, a strange resonance, scared me. I was afraid to turn around. I took my courage in both hands and looked discreetly over my shoulder if I saw a silhouette in the distance. But nothing.

I began to hurry when a slight growl made me jump. I looked into the garden of the pavilion in front of which I was, but I did not see any dogs outside, which froze my blood. So I started running. Fortunately I did not wear heeled shoes that day.

I heard behind me the roar of a car that seemed to be idling. As I took a look at the vehicle, just before it took a perpendicular street, I saw, for a fraction of a second, in a large white cloud, a huge canine figure in front of the headlights of the car. It was like the one I had seen in my dreams for several months. But fatigue had to play tricks on me. It was impossible for such a large dog to exist, let alone a wolf near such a big city. I was scared all alone. The lights of the lighthouses had certainly enlarged the silhouette of the unfortunate little dog that crossed the road at that time.

After ten minutes, at a frantic pace, I finally go back to my house. Cedric had promised to spend the evening and it was already late.

I had barely crossed the front door as I heard her voice ringing in the kitchen.

He was sitting at the table with my mother, having dinner.

- Ah, darling! There you are now, exclaimed my mother. I was worried about not seeing you go home. I tried to call you several times, but you did not answer. I left you messages.

"I'm fine, Mom," I reassured her. I had forgotten my cell phone in my room.

Cedric rose from the table and pulled me a chair near him.

- Keep eating! I said, taking off my jacket. I arrive ! I will put my things in my room.

- I hope you're hungry. Teresa has prepared us good Bolognese, "said Cedric.

- That's great. I'm hungry like a wolf, "I said, walking down the hall.

When I got to my room, I took my cell phone and looked at my messages. My mother had left a good ten, at least. But none of Samuel.

So, I concluded that our relationship was over. And what had happened with Cedric seemed to me less and less a mistake, to the point that I had decided to give him a second chance and felt ready to start a relationship with him. Some might think it was too early, but it was not like I was throwing myself into the arms of a stranger. There it was Cedric, for whom I already had feelings.

By reappearing in the kitchen, my plate was already full and I had only to settle down. If there was one thing my mom cooked really well, it was spaghetti bolognese. They were incomparable, worthy of an Italian restaurant. They were so good that I did not pray to take a plate.

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now