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The night we had just spent would remain forever unforgettable. We were both thrilled. Samuel looked at me and smiled at me.

- Dress yourself ! I need to show you something, he exclaimed.

- What, now, in the middle of the night?

- Yes, hurry up.

I jumped out of bed and executed his orders while he took a blanket in my closet.

- Where are you taking me?

- It's a surprise.

He led us through the woods behind the villa. I did not feel very comfortable. The last time I went so far in the woods was this famous picnic day.

At the end of fifteen minutes, a huge tree-lined place appeared. The moon so white and so perfect illuminated this large clearing.

Samuel dragged me to the center.

"I have to admit something," he said. But above all, promise me not to judge myself too quickly.

- Okay, I promised him.

He took a deep breath.

- Sometimes nature creates things that are good or bad. But they always have a meaning, a goal. They are not there by chance. On the one hand, there is good, and on the other, evil. Things are done that way, we can not change them. (He hesitated to continue.) Listen, I love you, Anya, and what I'm about to reveal to you might frighten you. So, whatever your reaction, do not forget these words: "I love you in the depths of my being, and whatever happens, I will not hurt you, at least not voluntarily".

These words appeared to me like déjà-vu. Only there, they had another meaning for me.

He took a few steps back, took another deep breath and closed his eyes to focus. Light tremors ran through his body. He opened his eyes, then his pupils became black. The ships burst and his eyes filled with blood. He opened his mouth as if to utter a cry of pain. The inside of his lips went black in his turn. His jaw was deformed and lengthened. His tremors intensified and screams came from the back of his throat, like a rattle, as veins appeared on his hands. Black triangular nails protruded from the tips of his fingers like claws. His sweater tore in the back revealing his spine. His feet extended at his ankles. The lower part of his face was transformed again. His nose grew longer and formed a muzzle. Pointy ears replaced his, and long hairs covered his body.

This strange head looked at me. His eyes were shining with flamboyant gold. He shrieked distinctly this time, a howl to chill his blood. This huge wolf was addressing the moon. In the chiaroscuro, I saw his long fangs.

He was standing there in front of me, impressive by his height. My heart was pounding. I could only shrink from this spectacle. He approached me. I decided to run to the bottom of the clearing running, but to no avail. I found myself flat on the ground. As I turned around, the monster stared at me with its golden eyes. More closely, they seemed beautiful to me. His legs held my arms to the ground with such force that I could not move. Hearing her grunts, I realized it was the end. He was going to devour me. But the beast remained motionless. Finally, she may not have intended to kill me.

Samuel's words came back to me in memory. "I love you in the depths of my being, and whatever happens, I will not hurt you, at least not willingly," "what I'm about to reveal to you might scare you". The scene that had just unfolded in front of me made sense of those words. I had now understood their meaning. Once the fear dissipated, the wolf removed his paws from my arms and moved away.

I put my fingers to his muzzle. His head approached slowly to my hand.

- Samuel!

The wolf gave a low scream of approval. It was him. Samuel was a wolf!

Beyond the moon - 1 : DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now