George Harrison - A Good Feeling

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Beatlemania had been insane. It had started when you were about sixteen or seventeen, the prime age to be a huge fan. But you never were. You liked some of the music, Sgt Peppers was a a great album. But you only knew their first names for years and only learned more from the countless newspaper articles on their infamous breakup, that you, nor the rest of the world, could not avoid. It was everywhere. Yet, you never thought you'd meet one of them.

Approaching the age of thirty and still being single was a bit of a bummer but you were very career oriented, being a well celebrated author.

Your college acquaintance, Sophie, a bittersweet actress and socialite, had invited you to one of her big extravagant parties. This was your way of getting your PR teams and publishers off your back, you'd go to one massive social event a year. That was enough of a compromise.

"(Y/N)! Hello, darling!" Sophie approached, drink in hand and adorning a sequinned red dress.

"Sophie, how are y-" You smile as she takes your hand with her spare one.

"Now what did I say about dressing up?" She smiled, still clutching your hand in her's you could feel the cold metal of the many rings she wore on her finger.

" it?"

"Yes and while I appreciate the dress, this is a party, not a funeral. Never mind, your hair looks okay, at least." She scolded in a cheery tone. Like you said, bittersweet.

She had been referring to the black dress you had chosen. In comparison to the red number she adorned, it did look quite bleak. But it was appropriate, or you'd thought so. You learnt pretty early on not to let Sophie's comments get to you or make you self conscious, you just brushed them off and wondered about her own insecurities.

"Well I don't want to take the attention away from those more suited to this kind of thing." You reply, best you can.

"Yes, anyway let me introduce you to my guest of honour; George! Come over here!" How on God's green Earth did Sophie Marsley manage to get George Harrison to come to one of her sickening parties? He looked positively mortified when she called him, the people he was stood talking to all awkwardly wrapped up the conversation to excuse him. "(Y/N), you don't need me to tell you who this is. George, this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you won't recognise her face, she's not really a public figure like us."

Sophie clung to his arm in the same way you were trying to cling to life at this shit show.

"You're a writer, aren't you?" He asked, at the mention of your name. His iconic accent was still quite prominent.


You shook hands and smiled slightly. If you had any pride at this moment you'd either excuse yourself or engage in conversation. But you didn't, you just stood there.

"(Y/N) here didn't read the invitation, that's why she's dressed as if she's in mourning," Sophie spoke dismissively and sweetly. "Oh! I have to make an announcement. I'm going to have everyone dance! Like a ball! Save me a turn, won't you George?"

You forgot how much you didn't like that woman until she stood in front of you. You even elected not to tell her about the lipstick on her teeth before she had left.

"So, who died?" George Harrison was still standing in front of you.


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