Roger Taylor - You Will Be

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Towards the end of the 70's Queen were huge. People recognised them, wherever they went. This was great for the band's career. But for the band members; well, they wanted something a bit more substantial, as all humans tend to. There was more to life than partying with legends and playing the same songs every night, and one particular member of the band was just starting to see that.

When Roger met you, he was pretty sure you were absolutely it for him. You, however, were a bit more sceptical.

"Roger, this is fun. It isn't serious and you don't have to make it serious for me to stick around." You'd told him, a lazy smile on your face.

"That's not what I meant." He defended.

This came about when he had asked you 'Do you ever think about having something a bit more serious? With me, I mean?' Which you had answered, easily.

"You're a rockstar, love. I'm not going to tie you down just because we have sex sometimes." You lit two cigarettes in your mouth and handed one to the man in your bed. He had gone quiet and the sound of the TV filled the room.

If Roger were five or six years younger, he would've loved to hear those words, given all the girls he'd messed around with. But you were the one that didn't want to stay. You chat, hang out, have sex, shower, hang out some more, get dressed, and leave. He liked every part of it, except for the bit where you left.

"Roger, where's my bra?" You asked from your search of the room.

"I don't know." Roger was a terrible liar, this much you knew. So as soon as he spoke, you knew it wasn't the truth.

"Yes, you do," You replied, giving him a certain look that he wouldn't argue with. He sighed, revealing the bra from its hiding place under the covers on the bed and throwing it at you. Before it struck you in the head, you catch it and offer him a sarcastic smile. "Thank you."

As you dress, he remained sitting up in bed, watching you. You put it down to the fact that you were half naked, of course he was going to look.

"Will I see you soon?"

"If you want to. I've got plans a couple of days this week though so you'll have to let me know when you're free," You answered with no particular care. It wasn't a rare question. He nodded and muttered something under his breath that you didn't catch. Roger was always doing that, muttering something like he wants the last word. Maybe he does. You were never sure why he didn't just say what he wanted to say but sometimes he'd turn it into a joke. "Sorry?"

"You will be."

He was quick, you'd give him that much.

"See you soon, Taylor. Don't cause too much trouble now, you hear? I'm not sure I could bare another story about how much it costs to replace the equipment you keep smashing up." Your parting words remind him of how well you know him. It's an easy thing to realise that Roger had a temper but it's another thing to be able to make a joke out of it and have him laugh.

Brian, John and Freddie understood before he did that their friend had it quite bad.

"I'm not saying marry her but ask her out to dinner or something." Brian had advised, tuning his guitar.

Roger scoffed his tall friend without knowing that the other two boys comments were going to be even worse. Every sting Brian plucked when tuning was irritating him. Roger was smart enough to realise that he got irritated when he was hearing something that he didn't want to hear. He knew himself well enough.

"I'm saying marry her. I don't think I've ever seen you this interested in anybody. Except yourself." Freddie announced.

"Yeah, why the sudden change? You haven't slept with anyone but her in months, have you?"

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