John Lennon - Kidd and the Nevers

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This is kinda John's POV and would make more sense if you read it all the way through instead of just skipping to of the dialogue bits (i see u) ((dw i do it too))

takin requests to cure ur isolation boredom


During the 70's, music was very much established as the place to find legends.
One of them being former Beatle; John Lennon. The band split up at the beginning of the decade and, after a tumultuous divorce from Yoko Ono in 1973, Lennon was back in the industry and selling well. With this new music scene came new artists, eager to become the biggest thing since The Beatles.

(Y/N) (L/N) went by the stage name Isla Kidd and fronted the band 'Kidd and the Nevers'. They were currently signed with Apple and brought on at the encouragement of one Paul McCartney, who had seen them perform at a small concert back in '72.

John thought this was one of the best things Paul had ever done. Though this was purely due to his infatuation with (Y/N).

It started before that band had even really taken off. He first met her and the three boys she worked with the same year they were signed, when he was still technically married to Yoko. He would often sit in on their recording session, with their producers. The first time, (Y/N) herself was against to the idea but the boys were absolutely ecstatic. (Y/N)'s concern was that a musical icon was about to witness how unprofessional the lads could be in the booth.

"Do we call him Mr Lennon?" Billy whispered. Billy was a talented musician, if only the same could be said for his IQ. Though he was probably the nicest of the three, the lesser of the evils.

"No, he'd hate that. But calling him John feels too informal." Dale returned, the stoney faced drummer, smoking like a chimney. He was the best looking of the boys and he knew it. Dale was a bit of an arse but he would've done anything for each and every one of his band.

"That's his bloody name." Fox argued. Andrew Fox hadn't gone by his first name since he was in school and kept a rather 'rockstar' persona. Fox was quiet and clever.

"He can hear you." (Y/N) told them without looking up and plucking strings on her guitar, creating a tune. She was pretty. Dyed dark hair in a bun and bright green eyes. Her music was different to what the boys liked but once she'd twisted their arms, they saw how well it was received. That didn't mean she ever stopped having to fight her corner in the band.

The boys had all looked up at the same time to the recording booth and John had to laugh to himself. Their dynamic was familiar.

"Sorry about that, you know your reputation around here, bit of a legend," The producer chuckled. He gestured to the band who looked mortified, except (Y/N) who focused on her instrument. "They're good lads, these ones, I think you'll like them."

"And her? Ivy, is it?"

"Isla Kidd, her real name's (Y/N). Lovely voice, good on her instruments and easy to work with. She's the dream. Not bad to look at all day either, eh?" The producer spoke quickly.

Before John had time to answer, one of the boys were speaking again.

"So, shall we start? Or should we-"

"No, go on," The producer was leaning into the mic and pressing a button so the band could hear him. "You can start when you're ready."

Billy kicked Fox in the back of the legs as he passed, to make his knees buckle. The two boys swat at each others arms and calling each other names often which was about as annoying as it sounded for everyone around them. They were way better friends than any of the others in the group, having know each other years. Which was odd considering they were the complete opposite of eachother.

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