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PoV: ...

"Eclipse, do you understand the mission?"

"Yes. I'll find suitable females to replenish our population."

"Excellent. If you do well, you may pick one for your own purposes."

"It will be my honor."

  I hung up the video feed of my leader, Doom. The supplies was here. With the incubators all set up and the analyzer ready to decide which women would be sent to the colony, my mission couldn't go wrong. I landed my ship in a discreet location, if I waited a few days when anyone who saw would pay no mind to me. I needed to create a plan to successfully move the women who were selected. Until I had a perfect system, no woman would enter this trap.
PoV: Sonic The Hedgehog

"Hey, so, you ever think about being with a man?" A mole asked as I was picking up my food from Meh Burger.

"Nope," I walked away after my tray came.

"Hey, come on babe, we all saw the news. You're a little gay boy who's waiting to be swept off their feet," he put an arm around me.

"Get off of me," I pushed him away and sat with the others.

"Man, the news has been so dull lately. Oh except Sonic being gay," Knuckles laughed.

"Will you guys knock it off already," I sighed, "It's bad enough that guys are flirting with me."

"Why is that bad?" Sticks asked.

"It's not bad, just annoying. They've all got cheesy pick up line, and I'm not interested," I took a sip of my soda.

  I don't really care if I end up with a boy or girl for a partner. I just with the news would stop exploiting it.

"Sonic," Tails handed me a paper with numbers in it, "The girl behind you wants your number."

"I'm taking my food to go," I grabbed one of the paper bags they offered and packet up my meal.

  Ever since the media got that stupid picture flirting has been the worst thing possible.
--- One month Ago ---

"Where do you need this box?" I called.

"Just put it all in the back. We'll sort them tomorrow."

"Sure thing," I replied.

  I was helping out a civilian with his work after he hurt his wrist. I sat atop one of the boxes with him.

"I got you a drink, though it's not enough to repay you," he said.

"No, no, this is fine," I took a sip, it was refreshing, "This is awesome."

"I'm glad you like it," he put something cold on my forehead.

Nightshade Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ