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PoV: Eclipse

  Sonic's training was becoming quiet troublesome. He was a wild animal on this primitive planet. He was no wear near civilized, they only recently discovered electricity. This planet hadn't come close to modern technology. He had been quiet the last few nights, not saying a word to me when I gave him attention. The good thing was that his stomach was beginning to swell, his pregnancy was going well and I was going to get my third child.

"Sonic, you can't be quiet forever," I forced him to look at me, "you'll have you speak eventually. When you do I'll be happy to hear it again."

  I held him down and kissed him and rubbed his stomach.

"Mm! Get off me!" He pushed me away.

"What did I tell you about the yelling," I grabbed him. He started crying and I let go of his bruised wrist, "I'll deal with you tomorrow."

  Why does he have to be so difficult?
PoV: Tails

  We were close. I could believe Sonic had moved so far when he was so hurt. I landed the plane near the ship and carefully we snuck towards it. Amy had her hammer ready, Knuckles clenched his fists, and I had my tools. We heard no alarms as we walked right up to the door. No guards, or defenses... This place was open. I unlocked the door after a couple moments and it was a dark room.

"Get out!" Amber eyes glared at us, peiecung through the darkness.

"Where's Sonic!" I shouted.

"That woman will get her freedom after she births my next child, seeing as you uncivilized pests can't leave your most fertile female," they growled.

"Female? I thought Sonic was a boy?" Knuckles scratched his head, "So he's a chick that's just been pretending to be boy?"

"You can't even tell the difference between your male and female. You don't have the basic instincts to survive. How can I let Sonic visit such idiots?"

"How could you let him? SONIC DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU!!!" Amy snapped and struck him with her hammer.

"You annoyed pests! Chaos control!" A blast pushed us back.

  This was going to be an awful fight.
PoV: Sonic

  I heard grunts and shouts coming from the other room. Blasts and bangs of attacks, there was a fight going on.

"Sticks..." I pressed against the cage door and it opened, "what the... the doors unlocked..."

"Sonic," Sticks banged on her cage, "I'm getting you put of here."

  I looked around for anything I could use to break the lock. I found a wrench and used it to break the lock. The lock wouldn't budge. Instead I unscrewed the hinges and the door fell off, freeing her.

"There's a fight going on," I told her.

"I know, can you run?" She asked, placing a hand on my stomach.

"Not like this," I gripped the white gown.

"I'll have to get you out safely then. Let's go," she took my hand and we walked through the door.

  It was chaos...

  Tails, Amy, Knuckles... they were all there... and they were all fighting Eclipse...

... and losing horribly. They were are distracted, not noticing us. Stocked grabbed a sharp piece of debrie and used it to break off her collar. She then used it to try and snap off the bracelet, but to no avail. It only left a mark that was easily wiped away.

"Well get it off later," Stick hid us under a sheet of metal and we escaped. We found Tails's plane and climbed inside. I put on his head set and called Amy.

"Tails I'm in the middle of a battle, I can see you across the room-"

"Amy, it's me and Sticks..." I called into it, "Retreat now. And don't say out names."

"Guys, he's too strong. Fall back!" I could hear them talking and running off.

"Hey, we're free," Sticks hugged me.

"Yeah, we are," I hugged her back.

"Sonic!" Tails flew into my arms and I quietly told him to be cautious, "Oh no... Are you going to be okay?"

"Sonic... oh chaos..." it was obvious what the look on Amy and Knuckles's faces were about. They didn't know about this part of me... that by body could do this.

  Amy touched my stomach, "How many times had he done this to you?"

"... ... three... ..." I whispered.

"Tails let's get out of here," Amy said.

"We can't, Sonic can't fly in an air plane like that. It's too dangerous," Tails turned in the engine, "I'll have to drive us through here."

  He started the wheels of the plane, slowly driving us out of the woods. It was slow and I felt terrified that Eclipse would catch up to us, but he never did...


"Here," Knuckles helped me out of the plane when we finally got home, "I don't really know what I'm supposed to do."

"Nothing, I can take care of us," I replied and slowly walked inside.

"Sonic," Tails put a blanket around me, "I'm right here, okay."

  I held him close, "Don't leave me again..."

"I won't okay, I'll stay by you."
PoV: Eclipse

"Why don't you just kill them?" The doctor asked, "kept your mate to yourself."

"Because she'll spiral into depression and risk miscarriage again," the second doctor replied.

"I'm going to have to figure out got to remove their powers for him to keep them as pets," I started a blue print, something special for Sonic. His bracelet updated me on his location every twenty minutes.

Let's make this a perfect place for my mate.
PoV: Tails

  Sonic fell asleep after he cried for about an hour. He was a mess, dark bags below his bloodshot eyes. He had become thinner from not eating. I laid a pillow under his head and did some research on good food for pregnancy for make Sonic when he was hungry.

"What do we do with the baby?" Amy asked.

  I sighed, it was something Sonic was going to have to decide, "We do what every Sonic wants us to do with it. We don't have another choice..."

"We should have gotten their sooner..." Amy hugged herself for comfort.

"There's nothing we can do now."

"Do you think Sonic is going to recover?"

"I don't know... All we can do is hope."


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