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PoV: Sonic

... Standing was agony... My body was sore from the labor.

"Ah... ha... n..." I pulled the IV out my arm.

Blood dripped onto the ground, I couldn't tell if it was from my arm or from where the egg came out of me. I hobbled over to the door, slowly, one step at a time. I found myself in a hospital gown with buttons up the side instead of an open back. Blood covering the side of my left arm from the IV and the bottom from the birth. The open door was in front of me. I made it into the hallway, leaning on the wall for support.

  The back of the ship was wide open. The girls were being forced on. Eclipse was busy talking. I took the chance and quietly made my was thought the supplies. I used my last bit of energy to run as far as I could go. I ran until my legs gave out on me. The moon over head, I was lost... only having a faint memory of where I came from. I forced myself back onto my feet, stumbling through the grass and trees. I need to get far from here. They took my first born, I wasn't going to die somewhere where they stole children.

"My first born..." I started crying again. Born from a rapist or not, that was my baby... they took him from me.

  I didn't know how long I  tied for, all I knew was that I needed to keep going. At the pace I was going, it would take days to get back home.

"Come on, one more time," I was pushing myself, but what choice did I have.

  I needed one last burst of speed, just to make it home. One last run. I forced myself to moved faster trying to run as best as I could.  I made it I got my last burst of speed. My energy was depleted. I collapsed, no longer able to move. Dying here is better than anywhere else.
PoV: Sticks

"Alien overlords, show yourself!" I shout to the ship hidden in the sky.

"Go to sleep!" A non believer shouted at me.

"Your toaster is watching you!" I shouted back.

  These people didn't understand how their kitchen was turning against them. I was patrolling for alien activity. A raccoon was in my bath, rummaging through a garbage bin.

"Hey! That's my garbage heap buddy!" I growled, it was going through my usual bin.

"Hiss!" It ran away.

"Get back here!" I ran after it, no way was I letting it get to it's army of raccoon drones.

  I chased into the forest, my element of survival.
--- Sunrise ---

  The sun was blinding me, when I caught the raccoon. It squirmed in my grip.

"The sun, my shift is over- I travelled farther than I thought. I'll pick some berries out here," I walked to the berry bushes, further into the woods.

"Ahh!" A body was waiting for me there. I knew that body. The blood was not a comforting sign.
PoV: Tails

"Guys!" Sticks came running towards us, her paranoia way to hyper for the morning, "Guys!"

"Sticks what is it now?" Amy asked.

"Woah, spill some berries on yourself?" Knuckles laugh.

"This is no time for joking!" She shouted, "Sonic's hurt."

"You found him?!" I dropped my plate and ran up to her, "Where?!"

"In the woods, and he bleeding," Sticks replied.

"Lead the way," I instructed.

  We ran after her. It took a while before we found him. Knuckle picked him up. He looked awful. A cut in his left arm, blood all over the gown he was wearing. His sneakers where filthy and he was pale.

"We need to get him to a hospital," Amy snapped us out of our state of shock.

"Right, let's go," we ran to the closest hospital.

  The worried looks the nurses and doctors gave him weren't a help at all. I needed to know Sonic would be okay.

"Tails," Amy put a hand on my shoulder, "He'll be okay."
PoV: Sonic

... Where... where... am I? ... Bright lights blinded me... My body... it was cold...

"#oni#" I could hardly hear who was calling me, "#onic..."

  My eyes were starting to adjust, I could make out four figures.

"Sonic..." I felt a warm hand over mine.

"... Tails...?" I knew that yellow-orange of color. Soon I could see the details of his fur.

"Yeah, it's me," he was holding my hand.

"He's most likely disoriented. He'll need some rest before he can properly get his thoughts together," a nurse covered me with a second paper thin blanket.

"...oh... th...thank you..." I tried grabbing it, but my hand was too unsteady.

"Sonic, you don't need to try and grab anything okay, I'll get you everything you need," he put a heated blanket over me, it felt so nice.

"... warm..."

"You can sleep okay. I'm right here."

"... o... okay..."
PoV: Tails

  Sonic fell asleep once his shivering calmed down. His hands shook like he was in an earthquake.

"Tails, are you going home?" Amy asked.

"No. I'm staying here until Sonic can come home," I answered.

"I'm going to get everyone lunch," she said.

"Get something easy to eat, like soup, for Sonic. Hospital food is terrible, Sonic needs better than that," I told her.

"Sure thing," Amy left.

  Sticks was helping me protect Sonic from intruders, Knuckles was blowing gloves into balloons. At least Sonic wouldn't be bored when he woke up. There was so much blood on him before, I wanted to k is what happened, but part of me didn't. I was afraid to know what they did to him.

"Sonic," I talked to him while he slept, "Get better, okay. You can forget about everything that happened, just relax at home. We even kept Eggman busy by shutting off his gas, power, and water all at once. He can't fix anything without power, not even call a repair man."

"You know talking to an Unconsious person if weird, right?" Sticks commented.

"I don't care if it is. I just know that I have Sonic back. That's all that matters."

"What ever you say."

  Sonic, get better soon. Okay.


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