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PoV: Sonic

We all ran. We ran away, as far as we could go. When we stopped to rest, we had been circled by Eclipse's soldiers. It was over. We were too tired to escape... the soldiers only stood there, unmoving. I heard a radio and they began to leave. They left us alone.

"Are we... finally safe?" Amy asked.

"I don't smell any more of em," Sticks answered and I laid back.

"Sonic, it's nice to see you fighting again," Tails nudged my shoulder.

"Yeah... I can't believe I stopped," I felt like myself again. I finally felt normal again. It was all I wanted. I lost my second born child, but I wouldn't know what I'd do with a child who was half of someone I hated. Seeing the egg everyday only reminded me of what he had done to me. Everything Eclipse had done to me. I wouldn't have been able to take care of it without hating it...

"Goodbye forever," I got up and we started walking home. Finally home.
PoV: Eclipse

  It was done, we had pack and had the last two loads of girls ready to go. The egg was on board the ship and ready to be transported with my supervision. There was only one thing left to do, and that was to say goodbye.

  It to some time, but I located Sonic with a quill he had left behind. He was in his old home. I place I thought he'd never return to. He had a smile on his face, something I never thought I'd see. I left the night and found him asleep in a hammock. His face was relaxed, as was the rest of him. He was resting peacefully. I had never seen him like this, with me he was afraid, tense, angry, nothing like this.

"Sonic," as I spoke his name his eyes opened and he backed away from me.

"What are you doing here?" He growled.

"I wanted to see you one last time," I watched as his emerald eyes practically glowed in the moonlight. How I longed to take him with me.

"What do you mean one last time?"he asked, now less tense than before.

"My mission is complete. I'm going back to my planet within an hour. The egg will be taken care of properly there. You have no need to worry."

"You're really leaving then..." he came closer, but only by a few steps, "Will those girls ever be returned?"

"No, they've become a part of my planet's eco system by now. They are essential to its survival," I only answered honestly. It was how I wanted out last few moments to go. Honest.

"I see..."

"I'm sorry for what I've done to you. All of it..." apologizing what all I could think of to do. I would have whisked him away, but if he'd never love me, i didn't want to put him through the pain.

"You know, if we had met under different circumstances, I might have loved you," he sat down in the hammock, and I sat besides him.

"You deserve everything you desire and more-"

"No. I don't. We only deserve what we work for, and you didn't work for love. You've made your choice, and I've made mine. I'm going to stay with Sticks."

"She'll protect you-"

"We protect each other. That's what we do," he had boxes in his house, tapped and sealed shut, "I'm moving into her burro tomorrow."

"I hope you will be happy," I had lost him completely now. The bandages on his arm from were he pulled out the traker were proof.

"We will be," he clenched hi hand when I reached for it, and I stopped. I didn't want him tense.

"I have to go," it was time for me to leave, at least on this planet, Sonic would be safe.

"Eclipse," he called me, standing in the  doorway as I began to leave, "Just do this one thing for me. Make sure the baby doesn't turn out like you."

  I only nodded as I left. He had never requested something from me, and I planned to go through with it. I boarded the ship and watched as the planet Mobius drifted away into the depths of outer space.

PoV: 3rd Person

  The night Eclipse left, the sky was illuminated by a meteor shower. Sonic watched, knowing on of those shooting stars was Eclipse's ship leaving the planet for good. There was a large funeral for all the missing girls, and Sonic's life was for the most part back to how it used to be. Eggman, who had spent the entire time trying to convince Shadow to join him, began making minor attacks on the village again. Sonic was leading the freedom fighters again, this time, more so with Sticks than Tails. Sonic moved in with Sticks, as he told Eclipse he would. The two were happy together, only feeling safest in each other's company. Though they were a odd pair, their happiness of was more importantance to their team. Amy was able to put her own feelings aside in the mean time.

  Eclipse spend the rest of his life raising the child to Sonic's wishes. As the child grew, Eclipse only discovered that the rebellious and hyper personality it had was completely from its mother. Eclipse found himself attempting to calm a feisty teen later on. Those he still wished to have taken Sonic to his home planet, Eclipse was glad to have a piece of Sonic to love as his own.

  They were never destined to meet again, but until their deaths in the distant future, their lives would remain content.

  Sonic with Sticks, and Eclipse with his child. Their experiences together would never be forgotten.

~~~ The End ~~~

  I can't believe I finished another... omg...

  This book was something different. I made it on a whim, it artist blocked me so much, I thought it'd take years to finish. I am happy with how it turned out. I dont think every happy ending needs to be with the main ship, Sonic is happy with Stick and Eclipse is happy with his child. They simply weren't ment to be with the way they met.

  I love you guys and I thank you so much for reading my stories. I hope you enjoyed this one.

  I hope to see you again in another tale.

Goodbye~ 😚😚😚😚😚


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