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PoV: Tails

  I had been working all night, but I adjusted the plane to carry Sonic's egg. We had less than 72 hours to get Sonic somewhere safe. Amy was packing for everyone, all we needed now was a place to go.

  We needed somewhere remote, where they would never find us. Half way across the world if we had to. I checked my personal satellites and found a good spot for us to hide until we found something more ideal.

"Sonic, did you pack everything?" I asked as I walked in to him wrapping the egg in a blanket.

"Mhm," he nodded.

"Good," I double checked the canister the egg would be kept in. Padded walls that were half a foot thick, it held the egg snugly to avoid cracking. Sonic approved it the other night when he fell asleep on the left over padding.

"Tails, where's the egg gonna go?" Amy asked.

"In the attachment in front of Sonics seat," I called back.

"What attackment?" She saod.

"Huh?" I walk out and what u saw was unbelievable, "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

  The a ttackment I build for the egg and Sonic had been ripped out of my plane! I had spent twelve hours building it.

"No, no No! We can't go anywhere with out that part," I groaned, "I'm going to have to build a whole new one, and we didn't have the time.

"I'll help you build a new one," Amy said, "Knuckles, Sticks, you guard Sonic."

"On it," Knuckles dropped the luggage and ran inside to guard Sonic.

  I've got to build this part fast, I can't let Sonic get caught again.
PoV: Eclipse

  They were honestly trying to leave. I wasn't going to allow such a thing to happen. I removed the seat that had taken the yellow all night to build, and I dismantled the seat into its raw parts. He would find the pieces unless he went to my base, and is he does, it over for him. If he replaces the seat, he'll find that ever wire within the plan has been severed. This was a game to me, one that I was never going to lose.

  Another day went by, I had collected seven more girls as they slept. I was getting near my quota for delivery, I had fifteen girls ready to go. My portable communicator rang as I watch Sonic sleep trough the window.

"Hello captain," I answered, placing the communicator on my ear.

"Eclipse, you've done well. We've been able to change how we dispersed the females you've brought us. Rather than handouts to our commands, we've started an auction for the girls. Anyone is allowed to name a price starting at ten, then it raises. You've done an excellent job," he praised me, "We're going to send you the rations for the next month tomorrow and we'll pick up what ever girls you have ready. If you'd like, we'll fund and build you a permanent station pn earth, you may stay until the population has a stable amount of females for the next generation."

"I'm perfectly fine with that. I have one question, if I may ask."

"You may ask what you like of me."

"How is my egg?" I asked, "It still has seven months until it hatches."

"Yes about that, there was a problem during the transport. We hadn't noticed it until now, but there was a crack in the egg. I'm sorry, but the twins were lost due to an infection in the crack."

"I see," Damn it! Those were my children, I can't trust the stupid transporter with this one, "Were they buried?"

"They were given a proper funeral, I can garentee you that."

"Good... When will the permanent base be build?"

"It will be finished and sent over tonight through the hyperdrive.  You may make any adjustments you like. It will be camofloged so no satellites will see, complete privacy to finish your duties."

"Thank you sir."

"You have proven yourself worthy Eclipse. I put my full trust in you, do not disappoint me."

"I won't sir," the call ended and now I would have a larger location to keep and protect Sonic from anyone else. Hesmd have different rooms to entertain himself with, and a his new pet's would live there with him.

"Enjoy trying to escape pets, Sonic and I will be taking you all home in two nights."

  Forty eight hours left, how will you spend them? I wonder.


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