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PoV: Eclipse

"Let us out of here!" The new girls complained as much as the last batch.

It had only been a week and I was sick of waiting. I set the computer to scan the girls cell.

"Pregnancy detected."

"Which one?" I asked.

"Number nineteen."

"He's finally pregnant. How satisfying. When is the birth of the egg expected?" I asked.

"Calulating... two weeks."

"Can it be accelerated?"

"Due to the instability if the acceleration possess, the child would hatch with severe birth defects and die three days after it hatchs. Acceleration not recommended."

"Very well then."
PoV: Sonic

"I can't believe he got you too," one of the girls picked me up, I winced from the soreness I still had, "He hurt you."

"We can't break out of here if Sonic can't even walk."

"We just have to wait here until he's healed. Then Sonic will save us," they had hope... but I couldn't give them that hope.

I watched the door, it wouldn't be good is the man came in right now. Though, I had learned his name was Eclipse, I didn't want to call him that. He was horrible person, kidnapping girls and sending them off to be raped by a planet full of rapists. It was horrifying.

"You girls are still away," he was back, in the safety of that glass observer box, "Sonic, you're body has finally realized what sex it was supposed to be."

"Leave him alone!"

"Let us go free!"

"No mater where I take these girls from they always protect you," he groaned, "You're pregnant with my child. You're due date is in two weeks."

It felt like a strike though my chest, worse than when Mephilies killed me. His child was inside me, and I didn't have access to an abortion center. I was going to give birth if I didn't miscarry.

"Sonic, what did he do to you?" The girl holding me wiped my cheek. I was crying, I never noticed when she sat down and had me nestled against he chest.

"You have his child... Oh dear mobius... He didn't..."

"Shut up, he's already crying."

"He's not touching you anymore," the girl holding me whispered, "We'll get out of here and get you to a hospital. You don't need to have a rapist's baby. No one should ever have to do that."

"By tomorrow his stomach will already start to swell. The children of my planet work differently from yours. He'll give birth to an egg, and in nine months the egg will hatch. Even if he aborts, the child will be born from the egg," he announced, "None of you will be able to abort any children you bare."

"I feel sick..." my body had the sudden urge to vomit. I couldn't hold it back.

"Sonic? Crap!"

  I threw up onto the ground. My body shaking. I hated this place, and Eclipse. If I hadn't been caught I could have saved those girls.

"Morning sickness already?" Eclipse laughed, "You girls clean it up, I need to find your next companion."

  I don't want this child... I don't want to give him what he wants.
PoV: Tails

"It's been an entire week. Why isn't Sonic home?!" I was sick of waiting.

"What if he ran too fast and got stuck in the other dimension by himself again?" Amy was trying to cheer me up again.

"He can run back to this one, he proved to be faster than my invention," I answered, "He went to save you. What if he traded himself in to save you guys? He could have said 'take me instead' to help you and you don't even care."

"Sonic wouldn't-"

"He's a hero. Sonic doesn't know how to save himself, he only knows how to help people. He could have sacrificed himself," I lookednat Sticks, "Help me save him."

"I'd track his scent but the rain washed it way last night. I can't track him," Sticks replied.

"We'll just have to look until we find him."

--- One Week Later ---
PoV: Sonic

  It was the first time I had seen myself in the mirror since Eclipse took me. I hated this sight. I was still wearing the girl's pink sweater, my stomach swollen below it. I looked like I was starting my third trimester of pregnancy. This was growing so fast, it hurt, it hurt so much.

"You've kept it healthy for me," Eclipse touched my stomach, I wanted to push his hand away.

"The second I find a knife in killing you and this child-"

"Threaten this baby again and you won't live after it's birth," he was choking me, I couldn't get his hand off... I couldn't... breath... "I don't give a fuck about you, you were just and experiment."

  He throw me down and I gasped for air, "Y... you're... ... evil..."

"On your planet, I'm a hero on mine. All eighteen girls I sent two weeks ago have successful become pregnant. Not a single miscarriage, several attempts of suicide. How unfortunate that none can die," he said.

"Ah!" He pushed me onto my back and lifted the sweater, "Let go!"

"You'll need fourty days for recovery. The moment you ovulate again you're baring my second child," he used that devil's tail to keep my arms down. I felt him wrap some thing around my stomach, "I'll order you some proper clothes. The doctor will be here tomorrow for your last few days until delivery."

He separated me from the other girls.  I was alone in a room with a bed. There was a toilet and shower. I would be stuck here, I felt something weird inside. For an egg it moved a lot and grew too fast. I sat down, I could stand having this child. I never thought I could hate someone so much...


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