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PoV: Sonic

"Calculating results... Pregnant."

Someone kill me.... please... I was having another one of his children so soon. I didn't want this child inside me.

"Sonic, you'll need to eat more. I'll have to feed you twice a day now..." Eclipse grabbed my arm and I pulled away, "Don't struggle. You don't want to hurt the child."

"I want to leave..." I cried.

"I'll take you to the garden," he starred pulling me and I stood my ground.

"I don't want to go there anymore!" I shouted, pulling my hand from him, "I want to be free damn it!"

"Enough!" Eclipse snapped, "How can you be so childish when you're the mother of two children. I already told you, you are to remain on this ship. You're not leaving until you're baren!"

  I felt heavy tears running down my face. I was truely trapped here forever. Eclipse grabbed me and locked me into the room with the other girls.

"Sonic, are you okay?" A girl hugged me and that was it. I couldn't stop myself from falling apart in her arms.

PoV: Eclipse

"FUCK!" I struck the wall, injuring my hand, "Why does he still want to leave? I've given him vegetation, nutrients, rest, and he knows his children are safe. What more do women need?"

"Sir, Sonic has broken down in the girls prison," the doctor informed me.

"Explain to me why women are so complicated and annoying," I growled.

"Well sir, I would think it's because she's a different species than yourself. She grew up in the wild. An uncivilized planet, it would only be natural for her to be wild as well," he explained.

"You have a cure?" I looked down the hall to the prison, "Can you train her to be civilized?"

"I suggest a hologram and 360 degree tredmil. Something that feels infinitely expanding for her and will keep her moving to tame her."

"Perfect," I sent him off to order it and I watched the door.

  Damn it, I've grown too soft.

  I opened the door and grabbed Sonic. I dragged him out and he collapse in the hallway, crying. I picked him up, ignoring his screams and attempted strikes to my body. I put him in bed and let his pet into bed with him. I locked the cage around the bed and his pet glared my way.

I've grown too soft with him...
PoV Tails

"We found it.. " I got a pin point of an alien ship, it was near buy, "We found Sonic."

"You did?" Amy looked at my screen, "Lets go."

"Lets get our friends back," Knuckles pounded his fists.


Sonic... Sticks... we're coming yo save you.


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