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PoV: Sonic

Another girl went missing this week. The cops arent doing anything so everyone is calling me, this getting serious. Is Eggbreath behind this?

"Sonic, you've got an idea. What is it?" Tails asked.

"I'm going to see of Eggman is behind this. Its most likely too advanced for him to pull an organized attack like this. Still, I'd rather comfirm it myself," I looked at the list of peoole who claimed to be missing. The thing was, some of the girls came stumbling home with no memory of what happened.

"You're talking like a soldier," Sticks commented.

"Am I? Guess some old habits don't leave. I'm going alone. Knuckles, keep the girls safe. Amy, if anyone else calls write down who's missing or who returned. Tails, Sticks, if the guy tries kidnapping you or Amy, trap him. We'll get our answers then," I was giving Sticks permission to set up traps in my house. I hope I don't get trapped in a cage later.
PoV: ...

Damn, another negative. The scanner was having a harder time finding compatible females than expected. They were lucky I was keeping them unconscious. I used a gas when I catching them. Then I felt them at the edge of the town I found them if they were negative. The positives had a room together, annoyingly, they screamed and cried. I carried the next woman onto the scanner. It scanned her breasts for a prediction of milk production of a child were born, only twenty-five percent. It scanned for her uterus and gave a percentage, seventy-two percent. A green light. I carried her into the room. With the others.

"Another girl."

"Do you plan to rape all of us!"

"Let me go! I have a son! My husband is waiting!"

"I'll kill you if you touch me!"

They all screamed.

"I don't not intend to touch any of you," I said, "My Lord will do that himself."

"I will bow to no Lord!"

"Asshole! Let us go!"

I locked the door and walked over to scan the next woman. This process took time, but it was the only way to ensure my safety. I watched the numbers. This woman had a five percent in milk but a seventy-nine in breed compatibility. She was worth it. I put her with the others. The ship wasn't full yet, I couldn't send it out.

"I need to pick up another woman," I walked out, I carried the negatives back and left them where I found them. They would have no memory of me when they woke.

I traveled in secret. It was still daylight, kidnapping was too risky. I needed another girl, there.

I found a location with two women. A hut with no security. A pink one and an orange one. There were two males with them, that will be a problem. I'll have to wait until they sleep. Just three more and I can send the first batch.

"Eclipse, were is the first load?"

"I'm getting the last two girls now."

  Looks like now is the only time.
PoV: Sonic

"Eggman! Are you behind the missing girls!" I shouted at his door.

"Why would I kidnap a girl?" He opened the door.

"You held Amy prisoner before, and Tails. I wouldn't be surprised if you did," I crossed my arms. I needed to examine his base.

"I don't really like women, they're cruel. Except Mombot, she baked me cookie," he went on.

"So, if I looked around in your lair I wouldn't find the missing girls?" I suggested.

"You think you can just come- you know what. Go on and see for yourself," the moment he said that I knew he was going to try and trap me.

"Thanks for the invite," I checked every room for anything unusual- well more unusual than normal.

  Nothing, not a single trap to hide them in.

"I've got you now hedghehog!" A cage fell over me.

"Nice try Eggbreath," I spin-dashed out of the cage with ease, "See ya!"

  I took off running. Eggman was a sloppy villain, he always left a clue or two.

"Sonic!" Tails ran up to me, "They got Sticks and Amy!"

"Where'd they go?" I ready for this fight. Going after my teammates was the wrong choice.

"Into the woods," Tails pointed the way.

  I took off running. I needed to find them, I'm saving them all right now!
PoV: ...

"Zero and ten percent. Incompatible," the pink girl failed the scan, "Her body is too hostile to have a child or produce milk."

"Useless negative," I moved her aside. I laid the next girl down.

"Scanning... 5 percent, 15 percent. Incompatible."

"Damn it," they were useless to me.

"Scanning room," the computer did it's daily scan on the ship in case of any escapes, "All capture present. Two negatives detected... Error, another match was found. Ninety four percent, ninety-eight percent. Compatible."



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